I really hope I'm not plowing old ground in this forum but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere. I recently bought a Mylocosound steam sound card (after watching, listening and reading the truly inspiring Peckforton Light Railway blog) to replace an old Dallee card in an LGB Corpet engine. The Mylocosound board works and sounds great in all respects (at least to my ear and compared to the Dallee) except in one area --- the chuff will not run in "coast". There is only one reference in the Mylocosound instructions under "load sensitivity" which states: "The default sensitivity is two (beeps) and change to one if you want more sensitivity or three or more if the chuff sounds erratic." That is unfortunately the case with my board and engine. The chuffs do not sound right unless I set the load sensitivity to three beeps. To say the least, I am pretty disappointed. I had really looked forward to listen to it chuff heartily and then go into a coast when I backed off the throttle, just like wonderful steam engines in the PLR videos and the terrific Mylocosound setup tutorial. My question is --- why is the chuff erratic at low sensitivity and can I do anything to make the "coast" work? Peter and Rik --- are you there?