Nameplates all sizes, purposes


Hillwalking, chickens and - err - garden railways.
Country flag
I have just ordered a full size replica ROYAL SCOT nameplate from this ebay seller.
They look v good but I will post a review on receipt.

The NOVELTY plate listed is reduced by £10 to clear. He has others currently on offer.
He makes these by hand from MDF mostly using a fretsaw. All profits go to the Great Central Railway and the West Somerset. He makes more than just loco names with or without crests, numbers, headboards and shedplates including housenames and has offered to make any nameplates for GScale stations signal boxes etc.
He has been v helpful in supplying what I wanted .
I have no links with the seller other than as a purchaser.
I have seen these at GCR and they do look quite good, had to look twice to make sure they were MDF..............look nice on yer wall............:)
Alpineandy said:
I have seen these at GCR and they do look quite good, had to look twice to make sure they were MDF..............look nice on yer wall............:)
That's the idea. :bigsmile:
You are correct. he hasn't centred it correctly. :- Glad i didn't buy it. I spotted Novelty first and as I often saw Novelty around the Preston area I was tempted.
A man at Llangollen does the same thing. He made me a full-sized "Cambrian Coast Express" headboard , complete with crest, for quite a modest amount. It's not perfect, but it's fooled quite a few people.
A friend of mine bought a number plate based from the smokebox of a G5, the seller took a great deal of effort to ensure that is was correct and he was extremey pleased with the final result.