Nebraska Blizzard!!!!!


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Hello Everyone:
Just thought I'd drop a line and bring you up to date on my tender. Well the sound board, along with the reed switches and speaker and battery case, has arrived. Next is arranging all the components so I have easy access.
Have gotten a lot of work done on the engine and tender and a few box cars and gondolas. With all the snow we've been having has rendered me house bound but only 27 days till spring:).
Looking forward to nice weather so I can finish laying the track on the western section of the layout. That's the part where it will go over the stream and wind around a mountain I've built. I plan on building a curving concrete arched bridge. I have a picture of one I plan on using as a guide. I wanted my layout to go from lush vegetation to a slight climb into a mountain region. I look forward to getting dirt on my hands as this super glue is the pits.
Later Everyone.
John T.
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