need help with MTS 3 and mfx decoder


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I have an old mts 3 and 55015p controller, i am clueless about digital and MTS operation.

Earlier today, after much button pushing, i finally was able to access the MFX functions.
I was running, one locomotive at a time, my 3 mfx lgb locos, on a loop, individually.

Somehow, i was finally able to figure out how to :
1 enter the loco address,
2 use the key pad buttons on my 55015p to activate functions.

2 of my lgb mfx locos are address '3'; (Alexander theimer i1 saxon), and a IVk saxon. Both ran fine , smokes, all the stuff , simply entered the loco address number and each worked. They were never on the track together, but were run one at a time.

1 other MFX loco, Franzburg, address 5 , also worked fine.
I did run Franzburg and Thiemer on same track and was to control each.

Then...I believe.........i put on a massoth equipped, emotion equipped loco (saxon1k #54), at the same time as the mfx saxon1k Theimer , (i believe, but I am not sure what i did). I wanted to run the two locos on the same track....i am not sure of the second locos, #54s) address, i assume it was 3.

Now the mfx saxon Alexander Theimer won't respond to anything other than stepped speed commands. I enter address "3" , but, all buttons on my handheld operate ONLY the whistle. Very annoying. I suspect that the MFX has flipped to DCC??????

How would i get it back to MFX ? (not sure this assumption, is accurate at all BTW. Nor am i absolutely certain of what i did, wasnt paying attention until things didnt work.)

However, Franzburg loco at address 5, STILL works properly ,handheld buttons correctly activate functions.
I am guessing that having 2 locos with loco address 3 at the same time was the problem???

I know less than zero about mts digital , but am trying to learn.
I read that the mfx will recognize dcc or mfx automatically.
I suspect that the mfx saxon1k Theimer is now on DCC,(having recognized the #54 as DCC????
as the button commands arent working as they did earlier today.

I have tried resetting the mts unit, tried "F" and "0" ,
I have tried putting the MFX Theimer on the track and powering up, entering loco address, nada.
Franzburg loco, adress "5" still works and responds , handheld buttons operate functions.

I am unable to figure out what to do to get the Theimer loco back where it was.

please make your directions step by step and really simple.
i am very frustrated and am struggling to figure out what i did to change the theimers operation.

i have also tried pressing and holding "F" on the different buttons, and just cant seem to decipher how to get it back to where to function buttons work correctly.
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I know someone will walk you through this, I am not an LGB command station / programming expert.

Suggestion: after you get it fixed;

1. change all mfx locos to DCC only
2. get a better controller (Think you can put a Massoth Navigator on it) for your system that makes programming less arcane.

I think your guess of what went wrong is correct. It will get fixed.

Hi Steve - we need to clear up a misunderstanding you have. MTS (also sometimes labelled MZS) is NOT the same as mfx. Your MTS system is a DCC system. Your LGB mfx multi-protocol decoders are operating under the DCC protocol on your MTS system.

Also, sound, lights, smoke, etc. are digital functions accessible when using either the mfx or DCC protocol. They are not mfx functions.

I cannot help you with your 55015p controller. Hopefully, someone with experience using these obsolete LGB systems will step in to help.
i am guessing that having 2 locos with loco address 3 at the same time was the problem???
Like Greg, I suspect you are correct here.

Just a further clarification. MLGB "mfx" decoders are multi-protocol decoders. This means they understand and can be operated by different digital control protocols. In this case, mfx, DCC, or MM (Märklin Motorla). However, they can only operate using one protocol at a time. The protocol they operate under is determined by the operating system not the decoder, in your situation DCC based MTS.
I have an old mts 3 and 55015p controller, i am clueless about digital and MTS operation.
Trying to understand much less succeed in programming decoders with this early equipment would be a challenge for me too! And I'm glad I never had to do it! I've read the instructions for CV programming with the 55015p in many decoder manuals (LGB, Massoth, ESU) and can't make heads or tails of what is written. And, to be honest, using the Massoth Navigator is not much easier from what I've seen but at least there is some good guidance from others on this forum. I think it's one of those tasks that once figured out may make sense, but take good notes along the way! I think we're still waiting for someone with 55015p experience to come to your rescue!
Thanks phil, not trying to program anything at this point.
i just want my alex theimer to switch back to where it recognizes the mts handheld buttons.

i am persistant.
Accidentally stumbled on it finally working last week, before the cock up, and hopefully ill get some help, or just keep messing withbuttons
Trying to understand much less succeed in programming decoders with this early equipment would be a challenge for me too! And I'm glad I never had to do it! I've read the instructions for CV programming with the 55015p in many decoder manuals (LGB, Massoth, ESU) and can't make heads or tails of what is written. And, to be honest, using the Massoth Navigator is not much easier from what I've seen but at least there is some good guidance from others on this forum. I think it's one of those tasks that once figured out may make sense, but take good notes along the way! I think we're still waiting for someone with 55015p experience to come to your rescue!
I well remember doing some programming on the 55015p for a friend. There was some slight setup and we I think did it on his main track with all other locomotives removed. I changed the relavent chuff rate on the relevant CV from 2 to 4 beats to each wheel revolution. We were both amazed when the update was tested and worked. So it is entirely possible to do programming on the 55015p so called Universal Remote. Sadly when mine were sold all the manuals went with them so cant remember or help in any detail now.

But was there a separate inset to be put into the rear of the beast for programming?
yes, have it and instructions. the programmer which i have,, however, is NOT installed, only the regular back for the LGB bus tether to the MTS 3 unit.

not trying to do anything other than set the loco on the track and have it react to my mts3/55015p commands
when i try to enter the loco #, the screen displays a 5 or S, cant tell,
i enter"3" ,
push the single loco button, (#2) on the handheld, nada.
all i can control is forward and backward movement.
if i push any button on the handheld, every button delivers a a short and then sustained whistle blow. whistle only stops when i press any button a second time.

as i mentioned, i had the dam thing working, along with a saxon IVK , and the little FRanzburg, each running one at a time on the loop.

then I put a second loco on the track, with the e-motion decoder with the same factory set loco number and my problems began.

i can still operate the franzburg loco, address 5.
I think you have 'S' for serial, and need to set it to 'P' for parallel..

But I can't tell you how. :worried: :giggle:

yes, have it and instructions. the programmer which i have,, however, is NOT installed, only the regular back for the LGB bus tether to the MTS 3 unit.

not trying to do anything other than set the loco on the track and have it react to my mts3/55015p commands
when i try to enter the loco #, the screen displays a 5 or S, cant tell,
i enter"3" ,
push the single loco button, (#2) on the handheld, nada.
all i can control is forward and backward movement.
if i push any button on the handheld, every button delivers a a short and then sustained whistle blow. whistle only stops when i press any button a second time.

as i mentioned, i had the dam thing working, along with a saxon IVK , and the little FRanzburg, each running one at a time on the loop.

then I put a second loco on the track, with the e-motion decoder with the same factory set loco number and my problems began.

i can still operate the franzburg loco, address 5.
I know you have the manual but are you following these instructions exactly?

2.1 Selecting a Locomotive Address
• First, press Button
and then Button
. The last address [L x x] used, the direction (xx forward, xx
reverse), and the last speed level used will be displayed.

• Press Button 0
to change the address. The display will show L - -
• Enter a locomotive address as a two-digit
number (00 – 22).
• The new locomotive address will appear on the
display, example: L 3
thank you Dunny.

that is exactly what i do and get the display,
i can change between loco "5", the franzburg , which responds to the hand held button commands.
So, i am able to change addresses between "3" and "5", with the latter locomotive operating as it should.

when i remove the franzburg ("5") and place either of my mfx locos, individually on the track.
neither responds to the hand held button commands.
i enter loco address "3" as you describe
when i change loco address to 3, each of the mfx locomotives, factory address "3", do not respond to button commands.

i suspect too , now, that the address 3 locos are in serial , as every button produces the same whistle sound.

and to clarify , the instructions i have are those i printed from the lgb database for the 55015p handheld. they are very spartan.
they do not describe what the various letters on display mean, eg, "d";"5" or "S"; "P". in pushing various permutations trying to stumble back upon my access to locos "3", these appear from time to time.
i understand "L" is the loco address in use .
i see "-|" when the speed is being adjusted while operating the loco via the left /right /pause button and arrows.
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This may be useful.....

2.6 Parallel Function Activation
Many LGB locomotives with a decoder onboard can receive commands for locomotive functions 1 – 8 directly (or “parallel”). Other locomotives receive the function commands “serially” in a one-after-the-other sequence of “1” commands (example: “3” = “1+1+1”). Parallel data transmission is naturally faster, but it is only possible when all of the MTS components are set to “p”.

Press Buttons F and 9 ) in order to switch the data transmission to “parallel” for the locomotive to be set. If you are using several hand controllers, this must be set accordingly for each hand controller. Press Buttons F and 9 again in order to switch the locomotive to be set back to “serial”.

The setting “parallel” or “serial” remains in memory for each locomotive number in question, even when the Universal Hand Controller has been turned off. If the locomotive number is assigned to another locomotive, the latter may have to be set again.

- LGB Universalhandy 55015 instructions (
The game is afoot. Will report back. Many thanks.

OK ...did the F9. cannot get the "S" in the left hand of the display to toggle to "P".
if i press F then"6" , a "P" displays on the left side, so at least i know that function is parallel.

will read manual link and try again, btw the link if for a 55015, the non p version. is there another link on the 55015P. Fwiw, the above manual is different than the LGB brochure i have re MTS operation, mine being much less detailed..
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Umm, did you know you could buy the non-P version and then later have it updated?

Perhaps the updated ones act differently than ones that were stock. I seem to remember that later Massoth or someone had the update capability besides LGB.

Just checking... I know the manual is for both, since I clearly expressed surprise about F & 9 for parallel mode, clearly in the manual.

if i press F then"6" , a "P" displays on the left side, so at least i know that function is parallel.
HI Steve, this is not showing that loco function 6 is set for "parallel". Pressing "F" and then "6" puts the handset in the programming mode to adjust the arrow button (throttle and brake) response time. See section 6. Programming the Reaction Time for the Arrow Buttons of the manual.

From looking at the manual I don't believe the "P" and "S" you are seeing on the display indicates parallel and serial. I think the P -- in the display indicates a handset (not decoder) programming mode is expecting an input. The S -- indicates a switch address is to be selected as the actively controlled device, the L -- indicates a loco address is to be selected as the active device, d -- indicates a "multiple unit" address is to be selected as the active device, and F - indicates a route can be selected as the active device.

My supposition is that the correct loco address may need to be re-selected any time one of the other "devices" has been selected. Pay attention to the yellow light above the "F" button to know when the handset function is being changed.

When you have a loco called up, as indicted by its address being displayed, pressing "F" and "9" should toggle between serial and parallel for that loco address. I don't believe there is any indication of the mode. To operate one of the decoder functions only the function button, 1-8 or "Lights" (button 9) is pressed. Not the "F" button first. If the whistle blows for all the buttons, push "F" then "9" to toggle back to parallel then try again. You may have to push the "reverse direction" round button between the arrow buttons after pushing the "F" and "9" buttons to accept the change from serial to parallel but I don't believe this is necessary.
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Something else to note is that the 55015p can only access loco decoder functions 1 through 8 and the lights. Higher numbered decoder functions can not be accessed by this handset.