New live steamer - getting ready


Hi All,

I got my first live steam engine. Well, to be precise I paid for it and will get it in a few weeks. I model continental gauge 1, therefore my prefrence was Aster or Marklin live steam. It ended up being a Marklin BR18 live steam engine. I read some good and bad review about it, based on the pictures I was adived to buy it. There are expects here locally who can help fixing it and also get supplies from the Marklin plant here in Hungary. Fingers crossed I will not be needing them.

The first thing I considered buying are rollers so I can test it easily. I remember seeing some ads in Garden Rail, but I don't have the magazine with me. What can you recommend?
My loco does not come with a box, so I thought about getting a wooden box made for it. Do you have any practical advice? Drawers? Detachable ramps?

Thanks in advance,
Rollers are quite usefull when starting out in live steam, and also for running in, but far from essential. It's really a matter of personnal choice. A quick trawl though the usual suppliers should turn some up easily enough if you decide you need them.

Nice loco! :thumbup:
It is a long time since I fancied one of those - but seem to remember that it likes the 1020mm radius curves - not the 600mm radius?
The important thing is to use good quality rollers, securely fitted and accurately aligned. A friend of mine made home built rollers and damaged his live steam loco as a result of the vibration. I have used Aristocraft rollers for years without a problem.

The attached photo shows the rolling road and box I made for my Aster Castle. The rolling road becomes the lid of the box when travelling. I pack the Castle inside with some bubble wrap and have flown it to Melbourne twice in the baggage hold without any damage. The box is MDF with aluminium angle strengthening.

LTfan: yes Marklin designs all its models to run on 1020mm radius curves, even the live steam models. But if possible I would like to use even bigger curves.

Funandtrains: I am not sure about Regner, but there could have been a cooperation between them. I read a review where a chap used Regner parts to re-engineer his broken BR18.

Moonraker: thanks for the photo it is very helpful.
I can recommend the rolling road by Hog Hill Works which were recently featured in Garden Rail. Search Ebay for rolling road and you will find them.

Michael: thanks this is what I had in mind.

Neil: I have seen this video quite a few times. Too bad that the quality is not any better. I have the same green-cream express coaches.
The prototype Marklin live steamers were developed my Regner and then copied for mass production by Marklin. Hense the similarities in many components.
Here are a few clips of my BR18 with some Kesselbaur (apologies for spelling) coaches that I purchased on Taken in the winter with about zero degrees temp, so lots of steam plume. radius is about 1.5 metre. Enjoy yours.
No, Herr Regner has nothing to do with the Marklin production models. He will however supply individuals with those spare parts that are common with his current product line. ( Lubricators, pistons, safety valves and the like.)