New loco from Accucraft GVT Tram loco

I really want a GVT loco, but not live steam and I'm afraid I wouldn't trust an Accucraft electric version. However, if somebody was to make the body in resin with the ability for the builder to choose which chassis to mount it on ................ :admire::admire:
yb281 said:
I really want a GVT loco, but not live steam and I'm afraid I wouldn't trust an Accucraft electric version. However, if somebody was to make the body in resin with the ability for the builder to choose which chassis to mount it on ................ :admire::admire:

I can't remember the company name but there was one selling a resin body kit until a few years ago to run on a USAT bogie and they come up on ebay from time to time.

I have several Accucraft electric locos and those designed for track power all run well. The US locos actually run much better than many LGB locos. It would help if Accucraft UK got Accucraft US to design the electric chassis for them!
funandtrains said:
yb281 said:
I really want a GVT loco, but not live steam and I'm afraid I wouldn't trust an Accucraft electric version. However, if somebody was to make the body in resin with the ability for the builder to choose which chassis to mount it on ................ :admire::admire:

I can't remember the company name but there was one selling a resin body lit until a few years ago to run on a USAT bogie and they come up on ebay from time to time.

I have several Accucraft electric locos and those designed for track power all run well. The US locos actually run much better than many LGB locos. It would help if Accucraft UK got Accucraft US to design the electric chassis for them!
Yes I was willing to buy one of those resin GVT locos from the members stand at the last Stoneleigh show, but due to their daft policy of not taking a (cash!!) deposit while I went off to find a cash point, I ended up telling them where to park it. :wits:

Absolutely agree 100% that Accucraft UK would sell a lot more electric locos if they had the chassis made by someone who knew what they were doing.
Apart from the pickup issue on the Countess the Accucraft electric locos run very well. My three have done a lot of mileage now with no ill effects ;) if you fancy a resin one I'd recommend pestering Rob at swift sixteen as his castings are superb.
Lovely GVT - and would do for the Clogher Valley and some French operations, too. Must start another paper round or whatever. Presumably the side sheets open up/are removable for oiling the motion.?

My only serious complaint about Accu electrics is the lack of an on/off power switch (maybe on some models only?0; for those of us who don't section our track, it's a "no". (Same issue as for early/cheap LGB). Otherwise, they are in every way excellent.
The prototype you see on the accucraft website was built in my workshop. The model is very finely detailed and alot of photographs, slides and drawings have been studied to make it one of the most accurate models of the loco we could.
The whole body of the loco will lift from the chassis as the old finescale ones did. The whole boiler and smokebox are fake, the body is completely hollow underneath.
pghewett said:
My only serious complaint about Accu electrics is the lack of an on/off power switch (maybe on some models only?0; for those of us who don't section our track, it's a "no". (Same issue as for early/cheap LGB). Otherwise, they are in every way excellent.
Something I have never understood is why all the manufacturers don't fit an ON/OFF/POLARITY switch. It would cost pennies and make a layout with more than 1 loco so much more enjoyable.
Super work Sir Haydn :)
I wonder if the bodies complete with dummy boiler if they'd sell just bodies so people could do as Mel said and choose any chassis and just make up a mounting plate?

Regards switches I suppose most assume you'll use traditional track sections rather than switching off on electric layouts. To be honest I find the LGB switches difficult to access due to big fingers and its hard to tell which position it's in, what pleases some annoys others ;)
It looks very nice Sir Haydn, congratulations to everyone involved in the project, I hope it goes well for you.

With apologies for thread drift: on the subject of electric locos the electric version of Lew is next up from Accucraft and following feedback I'm pleased to advise there will be electrical pickup on all 6 driving wheels. This will overcome the situation occasionally encountered with Countess on poor track where in effect the center drivers could ground on a hump and lift the leading or trailing drivers slightly off the rail.

The on/off/polarity switch is a good point in my opinion, and there is a future project where this will feature. Should it be on all track powered electric locos as standard???

Happy GVTing


sir haydn said:
The prototype you see on the accucraft website was built in my workshop. The model is very finely detailed and alot of photographs, slides and drawings have been studied to make it one of the most accurate models of the loco we could.
The whole body of the loco will lift from the chassis as the old finescale ones did. The whole boiler and smokebox are fake, the body is completely hollow underneath.
It looks good but the description is a bit confusing as it says it all sits on a traditional 0.4.0 chassis whereas the GVT tanks were 0.4.2's. It also says it is non gauge adjustable but all the basic Accucraft locos are adjustable apart from Ruby so is the chassis modified in any way?
Looks great but its whats under the skirt that is all important :rolf: no matter if it is steam or electric.
Built a few of the Tenmille kits but are basic by today's standards. Sepetate beading to cut, sides are over thick so the windows sit to far back etc.
Andel Models already produces kits for some of the GVT rolling stock
Sea Lion said:

The on/off/polarity switch is a good point in my opinion, and there is a future project where this will feature. Should it be on all track powered electric locos as standard???

No comprende :thinking:

Wot's the point?

Major manufacturers' locos all go in the same direction, so when you build a kit, just check it with someone else's bought loco if you haven't got one of your own.

As to on/off - why? Isolating fishplates is the answer, or am I just thick?

OK, don't bother to answer that last question, we'll take it a a 'yes' 'cos I've cocked up the 'quotes' :laugh::laugh: