New Power Supply - MRC 9950?


I hope this isn't bad form, but I started a new post since the point has changed.

I need a new transformer, good for at least 5 A, maybe 6.
I'm considering a used Chicago Super Blue Model 156 or perhaps a new MRC 9950. I have a home-made digital Volt and Amp meter that I currently run my transformer thru to the track, but the idea of having it integrated with the transformer appeals to me. The Bridgewerks SR power supplies seem a bit more than my wife will approve.

(I come from the "don't make 'em like they used to" frame of mind. A lot of electronics these days seems to be disposable, which I'd like to avoid.)

Anyone have any experience with this MRC 9950 unit? or know the Dimensions? I read the manual and it states it's good for 125 VA, which would be 6 A at 20 V, if it's all available to the track? Anyone know if only a portion is available to the track like the 6200? (Rated for 60 VA, but the track can only get 35 VA, 25 VA for accessories)

Thanks, Tim
"Anyone have any experience with this MRC 9950 unit? or know the Dimensions? I read the manual and it states it's good for 125 VA, which would be 6 A at 20 V, if it's all available to the track? Anyone know if only a portion is available to the track like the 6200? (Rated for 60 VA, but the track can only get 35 VA, 25 VA for accessories)"

I have no experience and having read the manual I'm also unsure.
I respectfully suggest that you email MRC and request clarification. My guess is that all of the output may be available if no accessories are connected.