Well, with most of the work done on my extension to the bottom of the garden and the recent cold wet weather keeping me from doing anything else outside, I dug out a Piko Kit that had been lurking in the garage since last autumn. The Rosenbach Signal Box kit is a good size and looks good on the box. Three evening sessions was all it took to build it. A well designed kit, easy to build and being made from a heavier plastic, it means that there are no warped or twisted pieces to join together. Windows are all glazed, drainpipes are now fitted as a door handles and the outside steps to the upper level. All in all, it looks very nice and that's straight out the box. If you were inclined, you could paint it or highlight parts individually, but I'm happy with the way it is out of the box. I'm waiting for some new figures to arrive so I can fix them inside beside the levers to give it a wee sense of being occupied. Hopefully they'll be here by the weekend and I can fit the last roof panel and get the signal box installed on the railway outside. I'll post a photo once it's in situ on the railway.
Now to start the next wee kit project, the Rosenbach Station building kit. Hoping it will be as much fun to build and will look as good once finished
Now to start the next wee kit project, the Rosenbach Station building kit. Hoping it will be as much fun to build and will look as good once finished