New Swift Sixteen 5 plank covered wagon.


No doubt as dead easy to build as the others Rob...

It's a piece of cake to build :)
Beautifully moulded, Rob. Looks as crisp as your previous models.

You have a lot to answer for Rob..................
Order placed and expect a phone call next week!!! ;)
Rob, sounds good. Can you post a photo direct on the forum as I'm away and on my iPad you can't see any of the photos on your site as they're encoded with flash rather than HTML.

Sounds grand though!
Here you are :)



Rob, you're a good salesman - a couple of questions: how easy would it be to replace the supplied couplings with choppers, and how robust is the vehicle in service?

There is a spot drilled into the buffer beam to show where the 16mm standard buffer height is. The buffer I give with the model does not have to be used. So you can simply use the spot for height reference and fit any coupling you like.

As for robustness, I wouldn't use it as a football, but I've been running everything you see on my site since it was made and never broken anything. I've also never been asked for replacement parts from my customers.

I did once watch a brand new square tanker I'd just made roll off the work bench and smash into the concrete floor three foot down !! :( The only thing that broke off was the buffer beam. One nice clean snap, very quickly fixed with super glue. A super glue joint on this resin is stronger than the resin itself.

Hope that helps.
pghewett said:
Rob, you're a good salesman - a couple of questions: how easy would it be to replace the supplied couplings with choppers, and how robust is the vehicle in service?


I fitted choppers to the well wagon, it was simplicity itself - has to be if I do it!
The beam on this looks v similar so it should be simple to do.
I fitted LGB hook and loop couplings to the corrugated van - yes I know it's a travesty! Used plasticard for the mount (to work out the height by trial and improvement).

Just awaiting lettering and weathering


PS - A doddle to put together even for someone with thumbs for fingers - probably less than an hour.
Please don't forget guys, I'm wanting lots of pics for my customers page.
Please feel free to send me over (via an Email) any pics of my products you have bought and want to show the world :)


My very good mate Rob (Maybach) has just finished painting my covered wagon :)

