newquida coaches.


garden railways
helo all, it may sound a daft question but,?????
how do you get the roof off of a coach. i have stripped it down and want to fit it with lights and prople,but it's got me fuddled. any help welcome . allan.:confused::confused::confused:
Not in a position to check right now, but I am pretty sure the roof is held on only by lugs, which disengage with a little pressure on the sides. I did a 'cut and shut' and took out one window's worth to shorten one of these and put in a couple of lights running off a 9V battery box beneath.
Might add that mine were on very firmly, and I found it helpful to thrust as many fingers as possible through the door openings and press the wall out to ease tension on the lug system -- slightly harder than the operation on an LGB 3067, but same idea.
Mr Lumphammers happy to help:rolf::rolf::rolf: