Not a Train but did any of you catch this?


Catching the fever
Hey, I was wondering if any of you had the chance to see this steam convoy, looks pretty impressive;
That looks like fun. Have not seen a trailer like that in preservation

If anyone is interested in the WW1 trench NG railways - features Canadian, Americans, Diggers, Italians, and I believe German PoWs - this 9 minute movie is a must. How it has survived - who knows?

It has helped my research in to how temporary railways were made....
and this one

shows how Germany ripped up its railroads, in retreat, in WW2....the "plough" would make an interesting model!!!
Thanks for posting that - had heard about it but not seen it. Pretty hair raising negotiating that mini roundabout!
Like the steam convoy..
Unfortunately, you tease us with the other entries, as all the Youtube links are the same..
PhilP said:
Like the steam convoy..
Unfortunately, you tease us with the other entries, as all the Youtube links are the same..

When you get to the end of the steam convoy video, there are a number of "insets" in the screen and you can get to the other videos referred to by clicking on those. Unfortunately, the "insets" seem to change each time you watch the steam convoy one. However, hopefully, this link will take you to the WW1 trench railways video:
Try this link.....

should take you to a playlist of 9 clips, including all those previously mentioned here.
