Old West figures - standing and sitting


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May I ask where people are buying "old west" style figures from in the UK? I have found some good ones on amazon and the like, but they are all dressed in rather current clothing!
Thanks in advance.
I asked a similar thing a while ago and got a few ideas but didn’t really find a great deal see below for my topic on the subject.


Although these are not sold as american figures I think they would pass muster. Loads more on eBay.de
May I ask where people are buying "old west" style figures from in the UK? I have found some good ones on amazon and the like, but they are all dressed in rather current clothing!
Thanks in advance.
Matthew, just seen these on ebay - not a bad price for the set shipped to UK.

LGB spurg Figures 5049 | eBay

Just came across this thread. I have much the same problem myself. If you model in 1:20.3 scale (Fn3) there are several sources for western figures to be found across the pond. I realise that it can be expensive to get these posted from the USA to the UK which makes populating your layout quite expensive.
I would mention Fine Folk Figures, Supply Line Models, Fun & Games, Just Plain Folk, and Railroad Avenue which I have come across as potential sources. Some of these can be hard to locate on the web, especially in the current pandemic, but let me know if you have any trouble and I will provide details of my researches.

If you are looking for 1:22.5 scale quite a few of the Preiser range would pass muster, especially the US Track Workers models.