Online bookshop


British narrow gauge (esp. Southwold and W&LLR)
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Now we are about to enter another lockdown in the run up to Christmas, can I draw your attention to .

Unlike some other well known online booksellers, they are a UK company, paying UK taxes and every time you buy a book from them they donate part of their profit to a local bookshop of your choosing.

I have no connection to the company, other than being a satisfied customer with a conscience.

More info about their ethos here .... About Us - What is Hive All About? -

A similar UK online bookseller to Hive in that they also support local bookshops and pay UK taxes (unlike a certain global online seller!). If your favourite local independent bookshop isn't listed on Hive, then you might find it here.


Again, I have no affiliation other than supporting my local independent bookshop.

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