Peco Electrofrog Points

Yes you would need a Micro Switch to change the polarity of the ElectroFrog to match the direction of the points. Some soldering will be rquired to connect the Microswitch. Not sure about latest Peco Points but wires may be present to do this. If wire is not present on the pount you will need to solder some wire to the small wire tag on the ElectroFrog run this to the Microswitch and a wire from each of the running rails. Make sure you wire these to the correct pins on the Microswitch. Also best to use Black Wire as it will not be so noticeable. Plus if you make a loop or crossover a couple of insulating fishplates will be requred to the centre rails to stop shorts.

I presume that you realise you are using Gauge 1 rather then G Scale Track here. Most LGB Stock will run on it OK. But some older locomotives will bump on the Rail Chairs.
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Might be worth checking with someone like Trackshack

The website says 'ready to use'

So I would assume, that if you use insulating joiners when connecting the frog rails, the frog will change polarity according to the setting of the blades - probably no switch at all, just the blade touching the stock rail.

However, you will need some form of electrical continuity to the isolated rail.
Ohhh, thanks for both replies... I will send a mail to Track shack....



Answer of Track-Shack:

"Hello Jaime, thank you for your enquiry.

You will need to use a micro switch to switch the polarity of the frog if
you are using these for electric trains. Peco recommend the PL-33 which we

'Ready to use' in this context means that the points re complete, not in a
kit form."

Thanks Apple Yankee too

Answer of Track-Shack:

"Hello Jaime, thank you for your enquiry.

You will need to use a micro switch to switch the polarity of the frog if
you are using these for electric trains. Peco recommend the PL-33 which we

'Ready to use' in this context means that the points re complete, not in a
kit form."

Thanks Apple Yankee too
From the horse's mouth - you got it

Well done!

Slowly advancing in my project. Now I'm having trouble removing the short circuit from the peco electrofrog points.
I'm using the PL 33 microswitch , and two insulated fishplates in the frog.
Now after looking at the diagram I find this connection that I had not seen. It will be OK?


image2 (1).JPG

Thanks for your help


pd: Today the winter is very cold in Chile


Slowly advancing in my project. Now I'm having trouble removing the short circuit from the peco electrofrog points.
I'm using the PL 33 microswitch , and two insulated fishplates in the frog.
Now after looking at the diagram I find this connection that I had not seen. It will be OK?

View attachment 224451

View attachment 224452

Thanks for your help


pd: Today the winter is very cold in Chile

View attachment 224453
That looks a huge set up, how big is it? Bloody hot in England!
I'm not sure what that black line is supposed to be, but no you definitely do not want to make a connection like that - it will just be a dead short. Ignore it, it's an error on the drawing!
Is a raised layout of 80 meters of length approx.
In fact, therefore I think that can have some error in the other connections. Somebody can see something?
  • There are definitely two errors, the line that I locked myself in a red circle, and the connections to the track A and track B, which are reversed. Going to the frog is the only correct.

    I do not know as Peco can send a diagram with so many errors.
Thank you very much

Yes you're correct, the micro-switch "normally closed" contact should connect to rail A if the switch is mounted as shown on the diagram.

I wonder if anyone has ever written to Peco about the errors?
Have to say I never concern myself about Official Diagrams trusting my own checks to ensure all is wired in correctly.

I use a small cheep Electrical Tester for such jobs. Fit Micro Switch with 3 wires as shown. Then work out your common by joining 2 wires till you get an open circuit and then changing the Micro Siwtch till you get a closed circuit. The clever part is to move one of your joining wires till you get an open circuit again. Normally the common is slightly separeted from the switched rails. Once you have that wire the common to the frog and wire the connected wire to the correct rail check via rails for open circuit, change the point you should go to closed circuit proving you are correct. Finally solder the last wire to the other rail and do a double chech that all is correct.