Phoenix P5 sound card link

Tom Legel

My Phoenix sound card software was recently corrupted, so I had the software updated. now my Airwire T5000 controller does not recognize the sound card. Can someone tell me how to relink to soundcard to the controller. Emails to Phoenix have gone unanswered. Thanks.
At least you got it back.
I used to sell Phoenix but not any more due to non answering of E Mails and disappearing stock sent back for repair.
No wonder there is an upsurge in interest in the now long defunct Soundtraxx Sierra cards.
Take a look at what Dallee offers.
Most likely you changed the DCC address, what was it before you reloaded the Phoenix?

Also, I do believe it is possible to turn DCC access off too...

Did you do the update yourself?


I bought the locomotive second hand so I don’t have the DCC address. I had the software updated by someone else.