Piko br110 diesel battery conversion


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Hi all,

I am planning to fit a piko 35040 r/c to a piko br 110 ,37568, 2 motor diesel. I would like to fit sound as well, what are my options?

Thanks Sam

MyLocoSound has light and heavy diesel loco soundcards which can be configured for a whole range of locomotives. They work well with the Piko 35040 radio control. The handset has two function buttons which are usually connected to the horn and the engine start/stop or guard/"All aboard". There is a wiring diagram at Piko 35040 wiring. Price in the UK is £79 for the soundcard and £9.50 for a small quality speaker which will fit inside easily. No programming is needed. Adjustments to volume, tickover speeds, bell, etc. are all done using a £14 TV remote control.
I would like to suggest the specific soundcard to use so I searched Youtube for a video so that I could match the sounds but I cannot find any video of the actual loco. There is a video of a BR 212. Does the BR110 sound the same?

Peter Lucas, MyLocoSound
maybe consider the 35042 R/C Loco Receiver 5A instead + link with a Mylocosound as there are lots of instructions and details and works well.

You might find the 35040 is not upto scratch for a two motor loco, Its more aimed for single smaller motor locos. I fitted one to a powerfull rack motor and also tried it in a lgb GE 4/4 and didnt like the performance, the speed steps not nice, quite un responsive and lagged, my 35040 unit ended up in a little steeple cab and worked well. info on the link below on my experience. the 35042 suggested above is designed for the more powerful piko locos.

I ended up buying a different bit of kit called lococontrol RC or you could use the systems from Fosworks or Rc trains . The emergency stop on the Piko kit is a bit of juggling act and is quite an important feature.

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Hi all,

I am planning to fit a piko 35040 r/c to a piko br 110 ,37568, 2 motor diesel. I would like to fit sound as well, what are my options?

Thanks Sam

Have a gander at this thread of mine and possibly others where I have converted 2 powered bogie beasts to DCC. i recently helped a pal with a Piko 218 and to be honest Piko are a breeze though my methos of choice is to use Fosworks stuff, other makes are available.