Playmo van repaint


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A friend asked me to repaint a tatty yellow Playmo van to match the blue Playmo coaches...

It's now finished, and Wilko Harbour Blue spray paint is a reasonable match. Once it's been out in the sun for a year or so, and maybe faded, it will be even closer.

GCR does NOT stand for Great Central railway! But Guano Corner Railway. There's a tree, with roosting birds that seem to poop all over one end of the line..hence the name.
Have a search on youtube for LGB Guano, and you'll find a clip. More vids will be added when I next pay a visit.





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A parcel arrived this morning containing another yellow Playmo van for repainting into red to match the Playmo coaches. Also, parts ( cab, roof, bunker and details ) from two Playmo 040 steam locos, for spraying red and blue respectively to make complete red and the 'luxury' Blue Trains.

watch this space for progress....


PS Wilko 'bright red' enamel seems a fairly good colour match. And the red van will also be lettered GCR