Please would someone help me guestimate an approx resale value of.....


A 2 year old lady anne with 2.4RC, fully functioning. Some minor paint scratchs and a cracked pressure gauge glass. Black.
A 3 month old Ragleth manual, boxed, run for a cumulative hour. imamculate. Maroon.

I am thinking of abandoning live steam and I am trying to get funds together for batteries and cliff barker rc kit for the LGB fleet.

This is sad I know, but the faff for a 15min run just doesn't suit me. Alternatively anyone know how much I could spend to modify them and make them refillable and so have long runs - I probably wouldn't sell if this was feasible.
Hmm, a Lady should run for far longer than that - I'd expect half an hour easy. Are you turning down the gas so that she isn't blowing off all the time? They run just fine on about 20psi. The Ragleth won't run as long, but if you get her in steam, then shut the burner off and top up the gas tank again, you will get at least another 5 minutes - the boiler has plenty of water in to enable this to be done safely.
I've been told that the Basic Series Roundhouse locomotives will run close to an hour.

I once got a 45 minute run from my old Lady Anne...


I had the butane set so as to just barely make enough steam, and the throttle set where she would just walk. There was an ever so slight grade in the track. When she approached it, she would stop, build up some steam, and then proceed.

If what you want is a train that you can turn on, and let run for an hour or more, then live steam is probably not for you. Hope you make out well with your sale.
Chuffed to bits do a very neat bayonet fitting top up valve and bottle. Run durations are really down to practice, load and track conditions. I get up to 45 mins with my Lady Anne with no refilling and a bit of an incline in the layout.
If you must sell £900 seems to be around the marker for an R/c Lady Anne in good condition. Not sure about the other but probably about the same proportion new to resale value. Mind you, Ragleths may be in demand for convertion to coal firing right now, depends on supply then.
Lady Anne's sell second hand generally between £750 and £950
I would say about £800 for the Lady Anne and £400 for Ragleth although you might get lucky and get a bit more. The prices tend to drop a little this time of year as there are always people who give up live steam after the summer and need money for Christmas.