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Every engine has it`s own personality and there must be a mile of difference between these two.
Of course they were designed for different types of work. The Daylight having been generally acknowledged as a particularly attractive sleek and speedy hauler, whereas the Cab forwards spent much of their working lives in tunnels under the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Hence the Cab at the front to prevent crew afixation.  Split bars over the twin blast pipes were necessary to prevent tunnel roof damage so they somewhat `brutish` to say the least!
Please check out the video......



  • Daylight,Cab Forward 005.JPG
    Daylight,Cab Forward 005.JPG
    177.3 KB · Views: 31
Always an interesting video Trevor. Pleasing to look westwards rather than the usual easterly direction. ;) The SP Daylight and its cars make an impressive train - car colours reminiscent of the Old Milwaukee Road.
It was surprising that the cab forward type of loco was so limited in production. At least it is a loco easily recognized. Thanks for sharing with the Forum.
The two locos are both superb models - enjoyable seeing them in action! Thanks for posting.
Interesting film, thanks for sharing :)