Try putting some thread lock on any bolts that take vibration,
i use the Tamiya one as a tube comes in each RC vehicle
you buy and you only use a tiny drop on each thread,
(can be bought seperate)
holds well and allows bolts, screws etc to be removed when needed.
Just unscrew each grub screw add a little TL and screw back in, its oil and
water resistant.
Don't worry about the disolves plastic bit, i have used it to glue/stick
people/cargo in many dif vehicles/trains in the past and never found a plastic
it disolves {so far} test first though just in case.
The other option i have used in the past is Hylomar its a gasket/bolt sealent
can be bought from a car spares shop, comes in dif colours red, blue, black and
gold if i remember right, you need the blue i think as the others set hard, but
check the blurb on the box for the right one, Minimans probably knows which
is the best one.