Regner Victoria


Anything to do with railways especially narrow gau
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This is a question that the live steam experts will hopefully be able to answer!

I bought a Regner Victoria at the Exeter show a couple of weeks ago. When I tried to steam her last weekend she would not light and there was no hissing of gas. I thought it was a blocked gas jet and removed this and cleaned it with a burst of gas After re-fitting, the gas made a normal sound when the tap was opened. However the boiler still would not light and it seemed that insufficient gas was reaching the chimney. I removed and cleaned the gas jet again but no improvement. At this point I noticed that there was a collar at the cab end of the boiler tube (similar to a jubilee clip). This could be opened and slid over the two air holes. I did this and left a small gap. The boiler lit immediately and the loco ran with no problems. The instructions did not mention this, I just did it out of desperation! Why did this worK and should I cover the gaps completely?
Its to adjust the airflow - slide it back and forth to get the best flame. Don't cover the holes completely.
Thanks Doug. I wish the instructions mentioned this, it would have saved a lot of frustration!
Oooh, first one on the block!

Can we have photos and impressions please??? That little loco has an odd appeal.....aesthetically challenged, but I like it! :)

I have a book on the P&H with the only 2 photos known of Victoria, not a success in any shape or form!
Glad you got it going in the end... are you glad you gave in to temptation now?
Hi Brian, Yes I am very glad! I am partial to Regner locos and their eccentricities. My Vincent also needed a bit of attention to the gas jet and also a good period of running in. Now it runs like a dream and I am expecting Victoria to do likewise. I will post some pics when the weather improves.
The secret to Regners is don't have the gas too high when lighting.:)
Like these better.
Here are two videos of my Victoria, I am quite pleased with it. When i first opened the gas valve on mine I actually could hear the jet being plugged, then I had to clear it.

What a sweeeeeeeeet loco. :)
What that needs is an 88mm barrell sticking out of it..............................

But I do like it strangley enough it's just ..............Well.............Odd!..........
I have a pile of work to do but sun is shining and the temptation to fire up my Victoria was too great. Here are a few pics
Last pic for now, I must go back to my work! My initial assessment of Victoria is positive. I have only run her twice and she will need several more steamings to run in. My Vincent needed about 12 and the performace improved each time. I still had problems in lighting Victoria, maybe the jet is partially blocked? She is a lovely slow runner and I look forward to steaming her again very soon
If the jet gets blocked again,try filling the gas tank with the gas valve open.The extra pressure in the can should clear the jet.Don't light it of course. :)
Thanks for that advice, Allan. I will try it if there are further problems