Regulator handle for Accucraft 3 cyl Shay


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I am looking for a regulator handle to replace the plastic knob on my Accucraft 3 cyl shay.
Is there one available to easily swap with the knob?

A bit like this:

Thanks for the info Ross
I want to be able to easily switch it back to stock if I need to, so that is why I am looking for a 'plug and play' solution
Accucraft do a drilled stainless steel lever on a brass boss for regulator and gas control. Later production models have them fitted as standard. May have some extras in stock in US ? Max
maxi-model said:
Accucraft do a drilled stainless steel lever on a brass boss for regulator and gas control. Later production models have them fitted as standard. May have some extras in stock in US ? Max
Cheers Max,
Will check their e-store web site
beavercreek said:
Cheers Max,
Will check their e-store web site
Regrettably it appears they are out of stock, drats, sorry. But these are they . Max
ROSS said:
Heck that Accucraft lever looks like a model aircraft servo lever (below... for steam RC control..........!
Think the required lever is described as a Johnson Bar

Thought a "Johnson Bar" was Yankeee-speak for a reversing lever? - Or do 'we' call it 'cutoff'??
ROSS said:
You are quite right Phil. Its me......bit fazed this am running around looking for a packet of expensive Leds I put down in front of me and find they have vanished...
I think they are next to the magnet on a telescopic aerial, which I have not been able to find for about 5 months! ??? ::) ::) :(
What about this one. He lists mainly the UK locos but there may be some crossover to the US ones. Worth an email at least.....

Ok I'll shut up - I replied before it loaded the picture :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
The brass pin from a normal 3 pin plug can be a good starting point for a lever especially if you have files or a grinder to do some shaping. The bore where the wires normally go is a fraction under the diameter of a Accucraft spindle and can easily be enlarged by running a metric drill (4mm?) through it. The screw to tighten down on the wires is typically metric.
Have you tried calling Graham at Accucraft UK. I think they have these regulator handles for sale. When they converted the Countess to R/C the old regulator handle was replaced with the R/C lever.

Give them a call on 01981241380

milton works - may have one does take a little while to arrive. no connection just very pleased customer. for the gas tap knob ebay short regulator handle about a tenner
Hi Jimmy.
The site '' is not working as something major has happened to it. When reaching the site you are confronted with a request to contact technical support........
I have found what looks to be promising on ebay and will be contacting the seller as he only has 1 left and I need three.
Many thanks for the info.