Rh Charles Smoke Generator


Welsh NG in the mountains. live steam
Country flag
I didn't think live steam locos came with these

They don't

certainly not to produce smoke in and under the cab!
inspection revealed a fried and smoking reverser servo
also melted the wire to the futaba plug on the battery supply cable
new servo ordered from ServoShop
new battery pack ordered from Strikalite
fiddly job for me next week

hope to be producing smoke/steam from the other end of Charles soon
Not sure yet
Nothing obvious so far. Will check carefully when new setup is in place
Was the gas cold before you fired her up?
Did it pool in the cab?
Was it a cold part of the day on your first gas fill?
Hot water before gassing up first time, this time of year
?What do you use the hot water for?
If 'heating' the gas canister, I assume 'warm' rather than 'hot'??
I would assume hot water boiler fill to save gas, which I sometimes do in the winter
anyway the problem occurred on pre run checks, otherwise I may not have noticed it, until the servo failed completely , of course
Replaced the servo
HiTec HS-81 from ServoShop
appears to work fine with no obstrucion
actuator, link and gear move freely
will try it on the line this weekend
Well, it ran ok but the regulator servo is jittery now. Have to check connections and Rx power supply
Mystery solved: you need to install dampening into the Tx, so it doesn't transmit your shivering motions to the servo.
