Roy wood "De Winton" style locomotive.


G Scale - electric & live steam
In case anyone is interested. There are plans, parts list, instructions, etc. to building one similar like it at < Link To I built one a couple of years ago based solely on the plans as a "just to see if it works" idea. The engine is powered by sterno, and usually, I can get about 15-20 minutes runtime if I have given the appropriate offering to the train gods. It provides an elementary introduction to live steam without the expense, & since it is gear driven, it can smooth out the peaks & valleys in one's layout. I did, however, have to widen the wheel spacing since I have gauge 1 track. The critter has performed well every time I fire it up.
Roy Wood - wasn't he in The Move?
Some of his songs were certainly appropriate for this hobby - Flowers in the Rain, I can hear the grass grow ...