Scratchbuilt Welshpool and Llanfair Dougal


For the past 15 months I have been building a live steam model of the Welshpool and Llanfair railway's small Barclay locomotive Dougal. The running gear is from an Accucraft Ruby whilst the rest has been scratchbuilt including the boiler and gas tank. Yesterday was a momentous day as it was the first time the loco had properly run on my line. It has r/c on the regulator and reverser and as you can see from the video runs very well. There's still quite a bit to do but it's nice to see it running.
Superb! Looks the part . . . . and runs like it! ;) ;D
Super job, she will be a little stunner when she's finished ;D
Very nice..... and not 3D printed either....
Impressive James
Runs well and quite a feat to hide the batteries and servos
Well done ! Thats really good... Why did you build your own boiler rather than use the Ruby one ? Can you say a bit about how you built it ?
Thanks for all the comments. I had a lot of help in building it from friends in the Cardiff Model Engineering Society, particularly the boiler of which I neither have the skill or tools up build completely on my own. The reason we decided to build a new boiler was that the dimensions of the Ruby boiler were slightly different to those of Dougal and the dome was also in the wrong place. It actually made the build a lot more interesting.

Ill take some more pics and post them shortly.
As requested, here are a few close up photos. There are still a number of outstanding jobs to do; the boiler needs lagging,  I need to make a smokebox dart, spectacle plate etc.

The left hand tank lifts off to reveal the gas tank whilst the water filler cap on the left tamk reveals the actual water filler.


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Whilst the left hand bunker contains the servos for the reverser and regulator. The one that you can see is for the regulator. The batteries and receiver and underneath the cab between the frames where they just about fit.
