Silver Lady / Lady Anne in manual?


Has anyone got a picture or first hand info on the cab controls for a manual Silver Lady or Lady Anne please? I would ideally go with a manual, but have a concern that the cab controls are hard to reach? The line is flat and my Mortimer runs fine on it, so not too many changes to be made during a run. Thanks.
Lady Anne has a full cab backsheet, and it can be awkward to reach the reg. on the move.
Gas control is near the cab opening, and is OK when stationary.
I normally just slow mine down with my hand adjust and let go untill i Have it right. You can't really do anything while in motion. Mine is RC but as time has gone on I have ended up prefering manual operation. More of a challenge and I enjoy wathcing it work up my slight gradients and built up speed on the flat all on it's own. Next steamy will be a manual.
CoggesRailway said:
I normally just slow mine down with my hand adjust and let go untill i Have it right. You can't really do anything while in motion. Mine is RC but as time has gone on I have ended up prefering manual operation. More of a challenge and I enjoy wathcing it work up my slight gradients and built up speed on the flat all on it's own. Next steamy will be a manual.
Indeed. I only have one R/C loco left. What I do undertake however, is modifications to the cab to a) make it look more attractive and b) a bit more ergonomic. I do like to fit the small pressure gauge as well...
CoggesRailway said:
Mine is RC but as time has gone on I have ended up prefering manual operation. More of a challenge and I enjoy wathcing it work up my slight gradients and built up speed on the flat all on it's own. Next steamy will be a manual.

Did you buy it as a RC and now use it as a manual? If so how did that work out? There are lots of Silver Ladies in RC available and few if any in manual!!
cheshire said:
Has anyone got a picture or first hand info on the cab controls for a manual Silver Lady or Lady Anne please?

Hello Cheshire,
A little late, but I've photographed my very tatty R/C Lady Anne.
Still in "as received" condition and hoping for a make-over this year.
1. Cab left side shows the lubricator & drain screw.

2. Cab right side shows gas valve.

3. The main one, cab from above.

The regulator arm is in the same position as the manual version, but connected to the servo down below. The link can be unscrewed for manual operation, but it's awkward for access with the roof in place.
I beleive manual regulators have a different internal taper, so that control is finer.
Hi Cheshire. Yes it was bought new as an RC version. I just run it with ther servos turned off and gentley adjust with my fingers. This works well and does not seem to do any harm after doing this many times, rc still works perfectly too.
I find R/C essential on my tortuous single line, so that trains can deal with gradients and then stop in passing loops.
Manual locos don't want to stop at stations!

No nastiness intended, just my preference.