Silver Lady R/C problems

Casey's mate

Been running my Roundhouse Silver Lady today and I've had a few problems with the Radio Control. When the engine was cold, everything worked fine (Always test at the start of a running day). Like normal, I light the engine, get up steam, take it up the shed road with the drain cocks open clearing the cylinders, then couple to the coaches and run. However after about half a lap, I decided to switch the steam from chimney to rockets and I lost control of the engine.

So I stopped the engine, switched it all off and left it for about 5 minutes. Then it worked again! I thought I'd re light it and then not touch the runs and I have complete control. As soon as I switch the steam from chimney to rockets, no control again. Tried this a couple of time and it happens again and again. Sometimes it will continue to travel in the same direction at the same speed, sometimes it stops, others it shoots off into reverse.

Tested the batteries, 5.2 volts - Tested my Russell's batteries and that also had 5.2 volts. Anyway I changed the batteries and got 6.2 volts and some problem. I've not taken the loco apart yet, has anyone got any ideas, suggestions, experience, advice as to the problem and how to sort it?


(Engine info: Built May 2009, originally fitted with space gun 40MgH controller but sent back to Roundhouse October 2009 due to problems with that and was fitted with an E-sky 2.4 - never had a problem with it until now)


What about the Tx batteries?
I'm not familiar with this brand of r/c kit, Scott, but I had problems with the 2.4GHz Futaba kit I had installed on my Silver Lady. When the receiver got hot it de-linked from the transmitter. When everything cooled down it was fine until the receiver heated up again. I changed the Futaba kit for Spektrum kit and I've not had any problems since. The problem with the Futaba receiver was well known amongst the r/c aviation fraternity. The temperature spec on the Spektrum receiver is better, hence I have no problems. Some of the cheaper 2.4GHz kit is a 'knock off' of the Futaba kit, so you may be experiencing a similar problem because of it.
I agree that the heat could be causing an issue Steve but I find it weird that this has never been an issue for that past 3 (almost) years. It has ran on much hotter days than today without fault. Having got the box out for the transmitter, there is lots of Chinese writing on it with English underneath.
It's a few years ago now, but we used to have problems
with recievers slowly breaking down in RC model boats.
Used to run diesel engines and the exhausts ran very
hot, the recievers had to be mounted fairly close to the
manifolds, would be fine for quite a while (around 50-70hrs
running) then they would start to play up intermitently.
Pull them apart and you could see the break/melt down
of guts of the units.
Not sure what the RX units look like on this make, but if
they can be pulled out and checked internally might be
worth a look.
Quick update. I've had the loco apart and nothing appeared to look out of place but when testing the R/C, the new servo I fitted for the whistle (The last one died) wasn't always responding, sometimes a little slow. Now I've not actually used this in action as I've had the whistle off and I've been playing around to get a better sound. I fitted that servo about 2 months ago and that is the only thing I have changed on the R/C system since. The other servos are HItec HS81's and that is a micro servo. I have disconnected it to see if that was causing the problem at high temperature. How does that link to the Rockets, well it is on the same stick.

Could be going down the wrong path but if we still have the same problem then we know it's not that! I'd rather not spend the money out on a new R/C system BUT if it needs to be done to have a working engine then I'll just have to buy a new one. Although as Rob said, if there is a break down in just the receiver, I could just replace that and hope it lasts for another 2 years....I've found a shop that is selling them at £20. We'll keep trying for now though!

I'll let you know how I get on after that little adjustment when I find some time to test it in steam. If anyone else has any ideas, do speak up! All advice welcome.
Rob s said:
It's a few years ago now, but we used to have problems
with recievers slowly breaking down in RC model boats.
Used to run diesel engines and the exhausts ran very
hot, the recievers had to be mounted fairly close to the
manifolds, would be fine for quite a while (around 50-70hrs
running) then they would start to play up intermitently.
Pull them apart and you could see the break/melt down
of guts of the units.
Not sure what the RX units look like on this make, but if
they can be pulled out and checked internally might be
worth a look.

Thanks Rob, I suppose it makes sense. I had a look at the receiver on the loco; it is very close to the boiler so it would be getting a lot of heat. There didn't seem to be any break down in there but that's not to say there isn't. My Silver Lady does get loads of use, usually no less than 4 steamings every Sunday throughout the year, Saturdays once a month for GCR galas when we do steam weekends, Plus Fridays/Saturdays/Mondays on Bank holidays and Four evenings through the year and mid week for filming. So even though the loco is only 3 years old it has probably had more use than those from the first batch 5 years ago. I guess all that heating and cooling isn?t all the good for the electrics.

check there isn't a wire burnt through that moves a tad when you throw the servo from chimney to drain cocks which at that point shorts against the bodywork somewhere. turn the loco upside down and look at the servo throw, check the linkage isn't catching anything, sounds like something is shorting or catching your aerial wire.
Hi all. Quick update. After removing the drain cock and whistle servos plus a visual inspection of all the wires I'm still losing control!! I think a new receiver is in order, managed to find one at £16 so even if this STILL doesn't solve the problem it's not exactly going to brake the bank! I'll keep you posted on further developments!