This is a model based on an LGB Stainz motor block and an LGB coach. It is based loosely on the 750mm narrow gauge Wurttemberg DWss Württembergischer DWss – Wikipedia
It is fitted with an old LGB 55020 decoder which controls the motor, lights and smoke generator, all working. It comes in the LGB box the coach came in. There is a "build blog" here.
The blog shows it fitted with a Massoth LS decoder which has since been "repurposed" but there is a video clip of the railcar running with the sound card.
It is fitted with an old LGB 55020 decoder which controls the motor, lights and smoke generator, all working. It comes in the LGB box the coach came in. There is a "build blog" here.
Steam railcar kit bash
Inspired by the recent postings on Steam Trams, which I very much liked, I thought why should the tram enthusiasts have all the fun? I did a bit of research into non-tram steam railcars (is there a distinction between tram, light rail and narrow gauge?) or dampftriebwagen as I was looking for...