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I've had a Sprog for about 20 years, been out of the hobby for about half that, Sprog worked OK on old Windows but I can't seem to get any joy with W10, I know it's rubbish but it seems to load but will not recognise the decoder any (constructive) advice?
Thanks CB
We tried one at the Ruschbahn, could not get it to work. Thinking about it 7-8 years later I think that lack perfectly clean track and less than perfect wire connections to the programming track may have been an issue for us.
I searched on the net about running a Sprog on windows 10 ( hate it here too ) I got it to run in the end by re-installing the drivers etc, my problem now is each time it starts up it's on a different comm port even tho I have tried to lock it to one and stay there..
I, personally hate computing full stop! Everything is now so reliant on the damn things it can can only end one way....badly!
Did you update your existing computer or is it a new one? If it's an upgrade, perhaps you can find a cheap replacement without Windows10 to use as a dedicated railway controller
Jon I've had it working OK, but not on Windows 10 not a great Windows fan

On the assumption you're using a SPROG II, if you've not sorted the problem yet this link (from Sprog community) may help - 2909

Also, be warned that after each Windows update you will need to reinstall the drivers...