
Ok, this is probably a dumb question, but does something like this exist for G-scale?
I'm currently in debate on whether to convert my Bachmann Thomas engines to basic DCC. (As much as I would love sound DCC, such correct sounds available is non-existent)
or see if there is another solution to their power pickup troubles, besides battery conversion.
The main trouble I'm having is that they are currently stall on a diamond crossover at slower speeds.
Been reading this topic in other places, but it's mostly for HO and smaller.
And most places say it can't be done due to the small size.
I'm currently in debate on whether to convert my Bachmann Thomas engines to basic DCC. (As much as I would love sound DCC, such correct sounds available is non-existent)
or see if there is another solution to their power pickup troubles, besides battery conversion.
The main trouble I'm having is that they are currently stall on a diamond crossover at slower speeds.
Been reading this topic in other places, but it's mostly for HO and smaller.
And most places say it can't be done due to the small size.