Steam Oil Bottle


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Does anyone know what the best plastic is for steam oil bottles (dropper style). I have one from Roundhouse that the top has split out of and I need to replace it. I can find HDPE in Evil-bay.
I use a small old oil can. The type with a small pull handle to get the oil out. Well 2 actually, one has Steam Oil the other lub oil for Bearings etc. Steam Oil one has a big Black Blob on for my identification of which is which. You can pick these up cheeply at Boot Sales or even good Hardware Shops. I also have a cheepish Hand Caddy for all my Live Steam Kit, Oil Cans live in that within a 2 Litre Plastic Milk Bottle Carton with the Top Chopped off. 1 Lire ones work just as well with the same treatment.
Yup I use steel ones for the 7 1/4". I like the little dropper bottles, as I find it easier not to miss, but if they are gonna break down after a year or so, it's gonna be expensive in steam oil. Luckily I had this one in a zip bag so could recover most of the oil.

I bought a nice Stanley tool-box for a caddy this morning. Just getting orgy-nised for starting to coal fire.