Storing my locomotives (Boiler/pipes)


I'm in the process of moving house and railway and was wondering what I have to do (or are there any suggestions) to preserve my loco's during this period? In particular the boliers and pipes - will they deteriorate?

I have removed the batteries etc from the r/c and oiled all rods (moving parts) etc.

I would suggest removing boiler fittings, (safety valves, boiler fillers etc), and opening any drains. Turn the loco upside down to let the boilers drain and then leave the fittings removed and valves open during storage. A smear of silicon grease, or Vaseline, on seals and gaskets is a good idea. If you can get hold of some silica gel sachets put these in with the locos when you box them up. This is basically what I do at the end of the season before putting them away for the winter.
Most important if you have Radio Control, take out NON RECHARGEABLE Batteries. How do I know this, my Apple Mouse leaked Battery fluid and trashed it on my last move. It was only stored for 6 Months.