Stuart 491 Marine Boiler - For Sale - Questions


Live Steam, Gardening, Golf, Grand Children and Ro
I have a "like new" Stuart No. 491 Marine Boiler and would like some info regarding its sale.

First, I have no idea what it is worth. It's a large horizontal boiler with a large number of cross tubes in the flue. It does not appear to have been fired. Does anyone have value information about this boiler.

Now, where should I go to get the best exposure for its sale? Would Ebay UK be suitable. Here in the US, nobody knows about these boilers, so Ebay interest is very low.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Will Lindley
Its a Stuart Turner boiler. The company or descendent is still trading - they sell the Stuart steam engines (stationery, marine etc) They are based in the Channel Islands and have a web site
Stuart Models no longer produce that model of boiler. I've tried unsuccessfully to find it's spec. A pic. and dims. would be usefull.
I think ebay UK would be the best way to go. I have seen similar boilers with alot of bidders er.... bidding. Postage costs might be quite high though.
Stuart products are well known by the USA live steamers, it is a marine boiler so don't expect the railroad guys to have an interest.

You will have a lot of interest on the Ebay USA site. Check out the RC Groups steam boat group, . Most Stuart items still fetch a good sum for the seller on the USA site.

I search the UK site also but the shipping and method of payment can be costly and painful unless paypal is used.

bobg said:
Stuart Models no longer produce that model of boiler. I've tried unsuccessfully to find it's spec. A pic. and dims. would be usefull.

Here are the specs.

Length: 14"
Diameter: 3.5"
Flue Diameter" 2"
Cross Tubes visible through the flue: 14 visible


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