Suitable paint for Newquida rolling stock

I've used Humbrol Acrylics successfully....
PaulRhB said:
First strip it down and wash the bodyshell as there is a residue of the mould release in places.
I used Halfords primer and plastikote on 5 vans with no problems over a year later.

Halfords plastic primer or similar, not the regular stuff, it could react with the plastic. When washing use washing soda (not the caustic kind !), regular soaps have lanolin which is an oil and acts as a barrier to paint. Rub down the to be painted surfaces with 1000 grade wet & dry abrasive whille doing this so the paint can "key" onto the surface. Then give it all a good rinse in plain water.

While enamel paints such as Humbrol paints are perfectly adequate they tend to take longer to cure than auto paints. I prefer using Phoenix's range if there is a need to use enamels. If you want a matt/satin finish with enamels you will need to seal with a matt/satin coat, such as those made by Phoenix, using their quick drying thinners. You will not need this sealing coat if you are using a matt pre-formulated auto paint like Halfords.
Can't disagree with standard car primers but would also recommend the Army Painter range of aerosols. They come in silly named large cans but cover fantastic. Thinking of using skeleton bone and a dark blood to do my own red and cream house colours. The service from the guy in Camborne (troll trader) on ebay is rally fast, they are 9 quid a can but they are big and you do get value for money in that one coat is usually enough to do the job.
No connection with the troll man just very pleased with the paints.
Ps I use the holts primers and then the AP paints, save a penny where you can;)
Would echo the dismantle and wash first.

As for paint have used brush on acrylic and spray, Humbrol, Tamiya, Plasticote, and that cheap stuff from Lidi.
Carnt vouch for staying power yet, only 8 months earliest one, most recent is this week..

Brown was brushed on, grey was a spray can..Silver in the background was another spray, the first attempt.
OK these aren't Newqida obviously but after preparation the same should apply. Orime first with "PlastiKote" and then two coats of Hycote Double Acrylic

maxi-model said:
Halfords plastic primer or similar, not the regular stuff, it could react with the plastic. When washing use washing soda (not the caustic kind !), regular soaps have lanolin which is an oil and acts as a barrier to paint. Rub down the to be painted surfaces with 1000 grade wet & dry abrasive whille doing this so the paint can "key" onto the surface. Then give it all a good rinse in plain water.

Halfords plastic primer here and Halfords rattle cans for the top coats too. To knick the Ronseal tag line. It does exactly what it says on the tin.
