Taliesin Burner


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I have been having ongoing problems with the gas burner in my Roundhouse Taliesin. For the first couple of minutes after lighting up, the flame keeps going out and has to be re-lit. After that first couple of minutes, it keeps going. The first five minutes of running are okay but then the flame starts going out every couple of minutes. When I try re-lighting it, the flame burns at the top of the chimney and will not pop back to firebox.

I am guessing that it is something to do with the fact that the gas cylinder is in the coal bunker well to the rear of the burner and boiler. Does anyone have any ideas, please?

Peter Lucas
Have you had the jet out and cleaned it Peter? It sounds like you have pressure but not enough volume, which would indicate a blockage somewhere.

If you were somewhere cool I'd ask if you are using butane or mixed gas but I have a feeling you're ambient temperature is over 10 degrees Celsius.
Second that. Soak the jet for a while in a solvent like cellulose thinners, then blow through from the pointed end with some of the gas. Do not poke around with a pin to clean you'll wreak the jet.

Another tip - Store your gas canisters inverted and blow out a short burst of gas before connecting to tank. Gets rid of any sediment that might be present. It has been known that some suppliers are less than "clean". I had this problem with the "Go Gas" make and this method cured it. Change supplier too.

Remote chance with a Roundhouse (but not uncommon with some Accucraft) that there may be some residual flux or debris in the tank from the manufacturing process working its way down to the jet and blocking it - Remove the tank and and ancillaries, flush tank as per the jet, drain (mind you do not dissolve the paintwork) and then pop bare tank in an open oven at moderate heat to evaporate any residue from the solvent you have used to clean it. Clean any associated pipework and blow it all through before attaching to jet. Don't forget a little PTFE tape on any threaded joints to ensure no leaks.

Does you burner have an adjustable collar fitted ? Check that you have got it set right for your conditions. Roundhouse should be able to advise you on this.

All the above will manifest themselves with the symptoms you are experiencing.