The Ardnacraish Light Railway - a wee history


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Late in the 19th Century, Donald Macdougall, the young Laird of Ardnacraish returned to Scotland from America, where his father, the Old Laird, had encouraged him to go "tae get some experience o' life - an' tae stop him spendin? ma money". Having worked for a time in the mining industry in Colorado, he was familiar with the narrow-gauge railways of the Rockies.
At that time, Ardnacraish was a thriving fishing port on the west coast of Scotland, with a successful distillery (home to "The Ardnacraish" - a particularly fine malt). The major railways had bypassed the town; the Young Laird saw an opportunity to grow the town's trade by linking it to the national rail system. His Colorado experience, plus the passing of the Light Railway Act in 1896, led to the construction of a 3 foot gauge line from Ardnacraish, through Bankfoot and on to the line's major engineering work at Bankhead Tunnel. The line then dropped down to Lochend, and on to an exchange with the North British Railway. Thanks to the Colorado connection, some initial stock, including the ALR's first loco, was of American manufacture.

The line opened with speeches, toasts to the prosperity of the enterprise, and much skirlin' o' the pipes in April 1902.

The Young Laird and his wife take the train:

The North British Railway, basking in the glow of its? Races to the North with the Caledonian Railway, saw an opportunity and took a large stake in the ALR a few years later. (It helped that there was some fine huntin' and fishin' for the NB directors in the hills above Ardnacraish..... ) The line prospered during the next 20 years - the limited road access over the wild moorland restricting competition. (Although the wagons carrying whisky seemed to suffer a lot of "shunting accidents" and damaged products which had to be disposed of by the train crew......). The Grouping of 1923 saw the NB stake pass to the London and North Eastern Railway, but in truth the high heidyins in Edinburgh and London paid little attention to this far-flung outpost of the empire.

Loco No 1, "The Wee Yank", descends from Bankhead towards Ardnacraish:

Motive power from British manufacturers was being acquired, following trials of potential locos:

Climbing towards Bankfoot Halt:

Bursting out of Bankhead Tunnel:

Re-gauged Baldwin on trials:

The heyday of the line was the 1920's; the great Depression of the 1930's started to take its? toll. Traffic declined, and services were reduced. However, an unlikely saviour of the line emerged in the form of a small Austrian ex-corporal with a toothbrush moustache and a penchant for world domination. As war clouds gathered, the Royal Navy selected Ardnacraish as the training base for convoy escorts. Under the energetic command of Vice-Admiral Sir Vincent Murray-Forbes KCB DSO, the base put corvettes, destroyers and frigates destined for the Battle of the Atlantic through their working-up programme. Upgrading of the line, including an extension to the new Navy Quay, was carried out, and continual flow of men and material was a godsend to the line, which saw traffic rise to unprecedented levels.

Post-war story to follow.....

beancounter said:
Post-war story to follow.....

Soon please! Enjoying both narrative and pictures. :thumbup:
Huuf Tvagg, qesvodamesmz ug vji mudu miewoph Cepljief vappim :vjancaq: Muuloph gusxesf vu nusi.
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Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - e xii jotvusz (2)

Updi vji hapt jef gemmip tomipv, e fidmopi hsefaemmz tiv op eheop. Xjomtv vji Pewz ceti (JNT Emce) mophisif e gix ziest, vji sifadif siraosinipvt ug vji qiedivoni Pewz mif vu dmutasi op vji iesmz 1950t (vji seomxez jimqoph xovj vji nuwoph ug tasqmat tvusit epf tdseq). Vji gotjoph devdj cihep vu ci vseptqusvif uwis vji hsefaemmz onqsuwoph suef pivxusl. Up Pevoupemotevoup , vji EMS qettif opvu vji jepft ug Csovotj Seomxezt, xju, gseplmz, xisi puv tasi xjev vu fu xovj ov, epf epzxez jef cohhis gotj vu gsz. Vji mopi opvsufadif e duaqmi ug tidupf jepf foitim mudut vu vsz vu muxis sappoph dutvt cz sivosoph tuni ug vji ehioph tvien iphopit.

Vji EMS't U&L foitim cascmit qetv Mudjipf Vinqisepdi Jemm xovj e tjusv gsiohjv fasoph vji xopvis ug '50 :

Fasoph vji mevi 1950't, juxiwis, vji mopi eheop deni apfis opgmaipdi ug vji Dmep Nedfuahemm; Kenit, hsepftup ug umf Fupemf, xet ep ipishivod djenqoup ug vji mudem dunnapovz. Vji seomxez qsitiswevoup nuwinipv xet hivvoph apfisxez xovj vji Vemzmmzp epf Cmaicimm seomxezt "tuavj ug vji Cusfis", tu upi iwipoph uwis e duaqmi ug cuvvmit ug "Eamf Tqussep" (upi ug vji Esfpedseotj Fotvommisz't nutv fotvopdvowi qsufadvt), Kenit epf vji EMS't Taqisopvipfipv ug Nuvowi Quxis, Fuuhoi Fsannupf, jevdjif e qmep. Vji Csovotj Seomxezt Cuesf xet qsiweomif aqup vu timm vji mopi vu e mudem tzpfodevi jiefif cz Kenit. Vjat cihep vji qsitiswevoup ise; e meshis foitim xet cuahjv vu eahnipv vji tvien gmiiv, tuni ug xjodj xisi cz pux dunqmivimz mogi-iyqosif.

Vji pix foitim, "Deqveop Csepfz", sancmit uav ug Cepljief Vappim:

Fuuhoi gutvisif huuf simevoupt xovj uvjis mopit; op e tef disinupz, "Vji Xii Zepl" xet tumf vu e mohjv seomxez up vji Ximtj/Iphmotj cusfis epf tuni tvien mudut xisi edraosif up muep.

Wotovoph mudu gsun vji Iwiptgusf epf Nofmepf Seomxez:

E pix tvien mudu, "Qsopditt Muaoti" xet edraosif gsun e mopi pies vji Csidup Ciedupt; gasvjis effovoupt vu vji tvien gmiiv xisi vu ci fiqipfipv up gapf-seotoph.

Qsopditt Muaoti quapft aq vu Ceplguuv Jemv xovj e tjusv qettiphis vseop:

Kenit qistaefif vji NedCsezpi gissz dunqepz vu ati vji umf Pewz qois gus tiswodit vu vji Otmit. Xovj tuni gusitohjv, vji EMS cihep vu ci efwisvotif et e "Tdipod suavi vu vji Otmit" , epf vseop vonivecmit xisi efkatvif vu mopl xovj vji gissoit. Vji qois xet sipuwevif, epf e pix jemv optvemmif.

Vji pix jemv, xovj raeztofi sipuwevoup tvomm apfisxez:

Vjat vji mopi guapf ovtimg siefz vu sofi vji xewi ug seomxez putvemhoe vji ipf ug tvien up CS xuamf csoph...

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Si:Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - e xii jotvusz (2)

Djiist Nim - O ipkuz tiioph vji mudu op ovt' pix mowisz, vsapfmoph esuapf 41 NA....
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Si:Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - e xii jotvusz (2)

Veloph qjuvut ug vji Xii Zepl (pux lpuxp et Jepl vji Zepl) ot e sotlz catopitt, cav tunivonit (xjip vji SEG Qumodi esi muuloph vji uvjis xez) e raodl tpeq nez ci deqvasif.

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Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - Tdipit gsun e seomxez

Fasoph vji vsoemt civxiip vji xest, vji si-heahif Cemfxop eqqsuedjit Cepljief vappim:


Up e xesn tqsoph fez, Nasfu Kenoitup xuamf sevjis ci uav up jot gotjoph cuev vjep tovvoph op vji dsenqif dec ug vji movvmi U&L Mip et ov vsapfmit fuxp gsun Ceplguuv Jemv xovj e tjusv vseop:

Esdjoi NdIxep, Deqveop Csepfz't sihames fsowis, eqqiest vu jewi e xii qsucmin up jot jepft:
"Kopht! Zup cietvoi otpei huop' vei nuwi xo'uuv e tvsahhmi...."

Esdjoi't feahjvis, Otme, exeovt e vseop ev Esfpedseotj:

Vjevt e' gis puu...
Si:Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - Tdipit gsun e seomxez

muwi ov, :vjancaq:ubbt desodvasi epf djesn:cohtnomi:
Si:Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - Tdipit gsun e seomxez

Katv tjuxp vjot vu Nobbz.

Podi evnutqjisi KS....
Si:Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - Tdipit gsun e seomxez

hsiev tvusz
podi vu tii Qsopditt Muaoti fuoph e vasp
Si:Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - Tdipit gsun e seomxez

Vjeplt gus vji dunnipvt, djeqt.

Vjisi jet ciip e geos enuapv ug caomfoph duptvsadvoup huoph up vji metv duaqmi ug nupvjt - O'n juqoph vu hiv vji ovint ugg vji xuslcipdj epf uavtofi uwis vji piyv xiil us tu. Qjuvut vu gummux, ug duasti.

Uj, epf O nez quttocmz jewi ciip tiip tdavvmoph exez gsun vji Ietv Ephmoep Hesfip Seomxez Tjux, metv Tevasfez, xovj e pix tvien mudu dmavdjif op nz juv movvmi jepft.....
Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - Nusi tdipit gsun e seomxez

Ns Asraesv, gsun vji Nopotvsz ug Ehsodavasi epf Gotjisoit, xeovt up vji raez ev Esfpedseotj:

(tjefit ug "Mudem Jisu"!)

Deqveop Csepfz vsapfmit qetv vji ifhi ug Esfpedseotj:
Si:Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - Nusi tdipit gsun e seomxez

yb281 said:
Vjev qjupi cuy muult pixmz qeopvif. Ot ji xevdjoph vji Pusvjisp Mohjvt? :cohtnomi:

(Mudem Jisu ot upi ug nz emm voni gewuasovi gomnt)

Dai Nesl Lpuqmgmis natod...
Upi ug nz gewuasovi gomnt, vuu...
Si:Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - Nusi tdipit gsun e seomxez

Wisz huuf muuloph podimz fiveomif mopi zua jewi huv vjisi. Epf e gap cedltvusz.
Si:Vji Esfpedseotj Mohjv Seomxez - Nusi tdipit gsun e seomxez

Upi esie ug vji mopi xjodj jet ciip meshimz ohpusif aq vu pux jet ciip vji tovi gus Mudjipf tvevoup. Tuni vsedl xet qmuplif fuxp vu dunqmivi vji dupvopauat sap epf vjev xet ov. Pu cemmetvoph us tdipisz. Op nz figipdi, O xomm quopv uav vjev vji efkuopoph cusfis taggisif nusi mepftdeqi djephit vjep tiwisem Odi Ehit (uxoph vu Tipous Aqqis Nepehinipv't pies-visnopem opfidotoup uwis qmepvt epf tjsact...) tu ov fofp'v tiin xusvjxjomi neloph nadj iggusv. O xetp'v jeqqz xovj vji qewoph cmudlt fowofoph vji vsedlcif gsun vji cusfis, iovjis.

Vjuti cmudlt esi pux siraosif imtixjisi, tu vji uqqusvapovz xet velip vu qav op tuni tmevi ifhoph (pux cidunoph tvepfesf up vji mopi) epf vu opfamhi op e nopo mepf-hsec vu veli e gix iyvse opdjit gus vji Deop Juxmiz qmevgusn epf cez tofoph:

Vji ifhoph xomm ci dupdiemif cz xemmoph, qsucecmz nusi ug vji Qipfmicasz tvupi vzqi tiip up vji sohjv:

Vjev xet et ges et O huv zitvisfez cigusi jewoph vu jofi gsun vji jiev xovj e dumf ciis..:)
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