The population of the PLR has just increased ....


British narrow gauge (esp. Southwold and W&LLR)
Country flag
Just finished painting 30 figures in preparation for the next running season. Range of sources - quite a few from ModelTown, a couple from Jon's People which I bought at Llanfair in a Bits Box (as they were missing limbs), a handful from Motley Miniatures, a couple of whitemetal figures from Trenarren, four 3D printed from DesignPrintScan and a few others from unknown sources (again rummaged from Bits Boxes at Llanfair)





Nicely done. Some of the figures are a bit scary, a touch of the gargoyle about them! The slightly camp sailor in picture 4 reminds me of Senior Service cigarette packets. I did smoke briefly in my misspent youth but never made it to that level of tar inhalation.
Yes,some of the figures do seem to be transfixed by something in the middle distance.....

Yes,some of the figures do seem to be transfixed by something in the middle distance.....


I think (especially the gentleman sitting on the right) they are transfixedi by something else! - Guessing from his expression, he is wishing he had upgraded his seating arrangements? :eek::giggle::giggle:
Or Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'.

But seriously, a good mix of people and, let's face it, none of us are oil paintings, are we? (Please don't answer that!) And one or two of them appear to be troubled by wind... (I meant the man in the green hat & tie, obviously). ;-)
Nicely done. I thought we were going to hear about procreation on a miniature level.....:rofl:

The man on the right in photo four, looks like he just got word the market crashed.....:whew:
With the exception of a few big name manufacturers figures they are a rum lot, presumably a few Bennet ones in the mix. But certainly like real people being all shapes and sizes. Great paint job, I have a load to paint myself but rarely get the enthusiasm to do more than 4 or 5 at a time when I need them. Before summer comes perhaps I should bite the bullet and do a big batch job like you have, certainly helps with the brush cleaning. Plus will have them when I need them except for what I need to do surgery to get certain fits.
With the exception of a few big name manufacturers figures they are a rum lot, presumably a few Bennet ones in the mix. But certainly like real people being all shapes and sizes. Great paint job, I have a load to paint myself but rarely get the enthusiasm to do more than 4 or 5 at a time when I need them. Before summer comes perhaps I should bite the bullet and do a big batch job like you have, certainly helps with the brush cleaning. Plus will have them when I need them except for what I need to do surgery to get certain fits.
A few minor mods are the only home grown additions. Mostly hats though I did have to give a trousered lady a long skirt. I can't imagine tight trousers on a female being tolerated in the early 1930s.

Something my wargaming mate has observed is that, unlike the wargaming community, there are very few good quality figures available for our scale. I'd say Preiser, Bachmann and Jon's People are about the best, though some of the Perfect People range are also pretty good if you are ok with white metal. However, I see there is a much better range of quality figures available in the USA, unfortunately most of them aren't appropriate for my 1930s UK based layout.

A few minor mods are the only home grown additions. Mostly hats though I did have to give a trousered lady a long skirt. I can't imagine tight trousers on a female being tolerated in the early 1930s.

Something my wargaming mate has observed is that, unlike the wargaming community, there are very few good quality figures available for our scale. I'd say Preiser, Bachmann and Jon's People are about the best, though some of the Perfect People range are also pretty good if you are ok with white metal. However, I see there is a much better range of quality figures available in the USA, unfortunately most of them aren't appropriate for my 1930s UK based layout.

I have a few Dolls House 1:24 figures that are good, well worth hunting out. They are all duplicates from the 1:12 range but sadly not of all them are made for the smaller scale.