The Road to Hell(ebore)


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A note of caution about plantings close to the track. The plant in the photo below, I am assured by my live-in gardener and carer, is a Hellebore.
It frames the tunnel entrance nicely.

Unfortunately, in spring and early summer it drops a sticky secretion, which, in this case, spreads nicely over the track. Whilst it might give a bit of extra adhesion to locos heading uphill into the tunnel, it would probably play merry hell with electrical conductivity. (I can't comment, as I've only run steam/battery recently).

Now, how can I diplomatically tell my good lady that her planting gets 9/10 for aesthetics, but 0/10 for practicality? 8|
Spray them to get rid of the green/black/white fly :party:
3Valve said:
Ooh, I'd avoid the potential for domestic tension and build a cloche to put over the track.

Avalanche shelter! Brilliant! :clap:
an unfortunate bout of over zelous prunning.