TrainLine45 Harz coaches

Willem WDLS

TrainLine45 released the first Harz coaches. There are different models: 6, 7 and 8 windows, the Harzer Roller coach, Faust coach and some more coaches with advertisements will be available too. All models cost €175 including metal wheels, the Faust is €199






Forgot: each model is available in two colors: HSB red and LGB red (which is lighter).
Spot the difference between the last two pictures.
Don't like the Faust version - it's already derailed 8D :rolf: :rolf: :rolf:
These do look very nice if somewhat expensive. I would maybe go for one or two of the ones in LGB Red if they did them in DR (DunnyRail) Livery.
dunnyrail said:
These do look very nice if somewhat expensive. I would maybe go for one or two of the ones in LGB Red if they did them in DR (DunnyRail) Livery.

I thought the prices very competitive! LGB's 307x coaches have a list price of Euro 179.95 with plastic wheels. Now that's expensive!
adeshers said:
Don't like the Faust version - it's already derailed 8D :rolf: :rolf: :rolf:

and its got graffitti on it.
Actually, very nice looking models - agree with Dunnyrail - I want DR
whatlep said:
I thought the prices very competitive! LGB's 307x coaches have a list price of Euro 179.95 with plastic wheels. Now that's expensive!

Wow what Marklin has done to LGB prices, I had forgotten that I probably paid around £100 each (or a little less) for mine.

I have been looking for the Webb site on these and only come up with Glendale's site. They do not list these coaches so far as I can see.

Can anyone post the "Train Line" Webbsite Link if there is one please.
dunnyrail said:
whatlep said:
I thought the prices very competitive! LGB's 307x coaches have a list price of Euro 179.95 with plastic wheels. Now that's expensive!

Wow what Marklin has done to LGB prices, I had forgotten that I probably paid around £100 each (or a little less) for mine.

I have been looking for the Webb site on these and only come up with Glendale's site. They do not list these coaches so far as I can see.

Can anyone post the "Train Line" Webbsite Link if there is one please.

The best known European retailer is
funandtrains said:
whatlep said:
dunnyrail said:
These do look very nice if somewhat expensive. I would maybe go for one or two of the ones in LGB Red if they did them in DR (DunnyRail) Livery.

I thought the prices very competitive! LGB's 307x coaches have a list price of Euro 179.95 with plastic wheels. Now that's expensive!

They look like proper models where as the LGB models are rather dated and toylike in comparison. I think they are also a little cheaper than the Kiss versions were.
I don't know how much the cost when they came out but a shop here in the Netherlands lists them for €297...
Deutsche Reichsbahn said:
dunnyrail said:
whatlep said:
I thought the prices very competitive! LGB's 307x coaches have a list price of Euro 179.95 with plastic wheels. Now that's expensive!

Wow what Marklin has done to LGB prices, I had forgotten that I probably paid around £100 each (or a little less) for mine.

I have been looking for the Webb site on these and only come up with Glendale's site. They do not list these coaches so far as I can see.

Can anyone post the "Train Line" Webbsite Link if there is one please.

The best known European retailer is

I have a Train Line brouchure that Zerogee got for me, from Glendale.

The linky on the back is < Link To which then took me automatically to and I could see the coaches there.

However, the site is in German only but I think most of us will get the gist of what is offered....
Many thanks for the Links.

I found the German one myself OK prior to my request, but they only showed the one coach. perhaps I should have looked around that site a bit more. The USA link is more useful as it shows more coaches, still sadly none in DR Livery. Surprises me that they do not appear to have their own dedicated site.

Deutsche Reichsbahn said:
dunnyrail said:
Many thanks for the Links.

I found the German one myself OK prior to my request, but they only showed the one coach. perhaps I should have looked around that site a bit more. The USA link is more useful as it shows more coaches, still sadly none in DR Livery. Surprises me that they do not appear to have their own dedicated site.


Here you go:

The smiley gets in the way... Just act like you want to quote this message and copy-paste the link into your browser :-)
Yes saw them on the shelf at glendale the other day look very nice.. i am sure there will be other liverys to follow...only thing i didnt like was the flanges looked very deep but then that is just my view...
Trainline 45 is a side project of Herforder Lokschuppen Model Shop. Herforder Lokschuppen sold mainly LGB and other garden rail items but when LGB went belly up they decided to make their own brand of LGB type track. As the track has been very successful, the Harz coaches have been a follow up project.
€175 = £170? I don't like the way this is heading :thumbdown: