Tunnel Vision


railways politics Human rights loud music
I had a dead looking corner and wanted to screen off the lower railtrack , so I had a few blocks and slabs and a few left over tins of expanding foam and decided to experiment,tunnel 1 (11).JPG
halfway through I was planning to move house again,so the project sat for a few months unfinishedtunnel 1 (1).JPG
After finding out that the move was off I started agin last month and finished it and started landscaping tunnel 1 (3).JPG
the foam has worked well so far and a polysheet over the top has kept everything dry,
tunnel 1 (4).JPG
the finished tunnel was covered with slate scree from a work colleague, when it stops raining I will tidy up the edges and build a tunnel portal to completetunnel 1 (7).JPG
tunnel vision (4).JPG
tunnel vision (2).JPG tunnel vision (8).JPG
I have used that expanding foam as a sort of cement. Ideal for keeping small things joined together and seems reasonably weather proof.
Nice ladndscaping.
Looks good and solid.. 'One block' looks about right for loading gauge as well?

I am guessing that is about as long as 'we' dare go, without an access-hatch?
Looks good and solid.. 'One block' looks about right for loading gauge as well?

I am guessing that is about as long as 'we' dare go, without an access-hatch?

Cheers, I can reach the middle from either end, but its on a curve so hoping that nothing moves , not sure if 1/24 will pass thro' tho'