Unique Replicas 1:24 vehicles


Clencher's Bogleman
Country flag
You're lucky it was only an £8 "ransom", I think that's the Royal Mail rate - Parcel Farce charges more like £13.50!! :@

Agreed though, a truly lovely piece of kit! :bigsmile:

Very nice that Kim, a real beaut.
I got the stake bed version a few years back, They are nicely put together and look the biz.
I got mine for about $30 and shipped for about $24 and no customs so no extra PF charge but......that was about 4 years back!


very nice kim, i think the trucks/cars/busses/vans can really make the railway stand out, well worth thr money,imho, it looks fantastic:thumbup:
hang on kim, let me check my spare change:bigsmile::rolf::rolf:
Nice selection there Kim
We had our open day this Sunday gone and I put some new vehicles or some that had not seen the light of day on the layout

This shot shows 2 of them A GMC 1954 semi and a step van


This one shows my County Coroner panel van visiting a food poisoning death at the 'Road Kill Diner'

I had a Coca Cola semi at first but another G Scaler who had a lot of LGB Coke gear really wanted it. So I said that he could have it and with the proceeds I searched out a Railway Express version. Ironically i got it in the UK from this guy http://www.americanmodeltrucks.co.u...cars-vans-125th-c-88_100.html?page=6&sort=20a < Link To http://www.americanmodelt...ml?page=6&sort=20a
They have one left I think!!!
I have got quite a few goodies from him. His prices compare pretty favourably with buying in the states, import costs etc.
beavercreek said:
...............They have one left I think!!!

Not now, they haven't! ;)
Wonder who grabbed it first (and no, it wasn't me - lovely though they are, they don't really fit my Euro theme)?

Zerogee said:
beavercreek said:
...............They have one left I think!!!

Not now, they haven't! ;)
Wonder who grabbed it first (and no, it wasn't me - lovely though they are, they don't really fit my Euro theme)?

Hi Kim
Here is another goody that I got from the same guy...a metro van...just right for making a delivery to my new Arrowhead hotel :bigsmile:

and a shot of my old stakebed

