Vanderbuilt Tender


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Has anybody out there succeeded in breaking into an Atristo 6 wheeled bogie Vanderbuilt tender without resorting to Mr Lumphammer, if so please let me know how you did it
I think mine's the easier deal matey, I am deffo no good with elektrickery and besides I can always resort to Mr Lumphammer and then glue the peices back together:bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile:
Bram said:
I think mine's the easier deal matey, I am deffo no good with elektrickery and besides I can always resort to Mr Lumphammer and then glue the peices back together:bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile:
Wait until you hear what we did with electrickery ............... and the subsequent fire. :rolf::rolf:
Yes I've fitted sound to one about a year ago.
The four wheel diagram in the previous post seems to show a very similar body.
From memory the tank is held together by two screws underneath on the longitudinal centre line. The rear one is long and rather fiddly to realign when reassembling, I can't remember about the front one. You also have to remove at least two handrails from the top (or bottom) to get the thing apart.
If you intend using any of the tender electrical connections I suggest you read < Link To as the standard wiring isn't as straightforward as it might seem. I also suggest taking a look at that site's comments on the loco < Link To as sometimes the loco board wiring benefits from a bit of work.