W&L Coach Chains


W&L Coach Chains
I have a few questions on the W&L Pickering coach chains (and other stock come to that), which hang by the side of the coupling arm. If anybody can help.

1). Just how did they work on the prototype? The model chains are not long enough to inter-connect without some form of bridging extension.

2). Do modelers use them as in prototype practice or is that just too fiddly.

I would like to assume that if connected the chains would be lifted clear of the coupling arm so when run with a Guards Van all would be OK.

My main line is made up of R3 but due to space restrictions I have had to use some R2 transitions.
When the chains hang free on odd occasions they have fouled the coupling arm.
I know the recommended Radii is R3 but many of you experiment & achieve.
I also have a few R1/R2 transitions on sidings so would also like to be able to park up off the main line without handling.

I have hooked the chain up to the platform this seems to work, but looks awful.
I know when the bronze & white were first delivered they had no chains
(fitted soon after arrival) but I am reluctant to remove them, I just like em.
These are safety chains. In reality they were hooked together to provide an emergency coupling if the main coupling should fail. If they don't reach each other on a model, it's probably because the main coupling (chopper) is over-scale. If the safety chains were made any longer, they could catch in the track/points.

Joining them together on a model is not only incredibly fiddly, but is likely to cause derailments on the radii of curves that we tend to use (which are WAY more severe than used in reality).

Sorry, don't quite know what you're getting at re. the brakevan?
Yep Mel's right, they were used before continuous brakes in case the chopper failed. They aren't used on preserved stock which has vac or air brakes as they are quite dangerous to fingers in coupling and if the chain snaps bits can fly everywhere.
They are shorter than the real ones to stop fouling track and there are pics of them hooked together under the chopper.
I know some use them but fit them on a sprung shaft so they can pull out on corners to prevent derailments.
Thanks Paul & Mel.
I did suspect as much.
The reference to the Van was, only that by using one, it would lift the otherwise free hanging chains on the last coach.

Looks like I may be running preserved stock, but I am still interested to know if others have had a problem with the free hanging chains on R2 radii. Or am I the only one doing It?
oldoak said:
Thanks Paul & Mel.
I did suspect as much.
The reference to the Van was, only that by using one, it would lift the otherwise free hanging chains on the last coach.

Looks like I may be running preserved stock, but I am still interested to know if others have had a problem with the free hanging chains on R2 radii. Or am I the only one doing It?
To be honest I'm not sure how they would foul the couplings when they are left to hang? I don't have any of the coaches, but have plenty of wagons and the chains are well clear of the choppers.

BTW I saw one of these coaches travelling quite happily around a circle of R1 track for a couple of hours last weekend. I was quite surprised that it would do that - and it had not been modified either.
oldoak said:
Thanks Paul & Mel.
I did suspect as much.
The reference to the Van was, only that by using one, it would lift the otherwise free hanging chains on the last coach.

Looks like I may be running preserved stock, but I am still interested to know if others have had a problem with the free hanging chains on R2 radii. Or am I the only one doing It?

The chains run happily around R1/2&3 curves and R1/3 points, in the same way the chains on the Bachman tippers do.
The only issue I have had was a chain catching on the lamp unit of an Aristo point motor on one R1 point, crude solution was to nip the tiny point of the top of the
bulb holder.:thumbup:
I have found the hard way thateven the W&L bogie stock will take R1 reverse curves provided they are run fairly slowly and the track is level. The main problem is not so much lateral swing as twist in 3D.
