W & L Pickering Coaches

Dinas Bryn

Morning all I have like many folk 2 queens sitting on a self in the garage as they don't run well on my LGB track, Chas from the NW Group spent time while here putting a LGB loop on one end and it works fine, I have found a story by Derek Pollard in Garden Rail about springing each bogie, I think I will try that but has anyone altered the bogie by taking the coupling off and putting it on the body? I have R1s and R1 points around the layout. Les
May I suggest a trick from bigger railways (7 1/4"), before you start to cut stuff about. We have had a good few cases of bogie coaches 'popping' one end, and we have very often cured them by just increasing the clearance on the bogie pivot on one end only. It seems that if there is a long twist on a section of rail there can be insufficient movement between the horizontal alignment of the two bogies and one derails. It often doesn't take very much extra clearance to sort it.
bobg said:
May I suggest a trick from bigger railways (7 1/4"), before you start to cut stuff about. We have had a good few cases of bogie coaches 'popping' one end, and we have very often cured them by just increasing the clearance on the bogie pivot on one end only. It seems that if there is a long twist on a section of rail there can be insufficient movement between the horizontal alignment of the two bogies and one derails. It often doesn't take very much extra clearance to sort it.

Hi do you mean drilling out the hole on the bogie? in O Guage we used to hang the bogie off with sprung wire so it floats Les
No not really. We used to just add a thick washer so that there was room for more side tilt on the bogie. I guess your spring does similar.