Walachia Holzmodellbau


Country flag
Has anyone any experience in (a) ordering and (b) making any of these models as per the link below? Some of them look distinctively ripe for painting/staining and detailing - ther country stations and the fortified bridge are particularly interesting. Presumably weatherproofed by a coat of Cuprinol 5 star or similar.

http://www.herfast.de/Walachia-Holzbaukasten/Holzmodellbau/ < Link To http://www.herfast.de/Wal...ukasten/Holzmodellbau/

The country station looks identical to one I built a few years ago.
It was definitely not G Scale but much smaller.
Their Aedes Ars kits look good but again I don't see any indication of scale.
Looking at the dimensions given, the Aedes stuff looks to be about half the size of what I might expect ,say the POLA equivalent to be, so I guess there is a serious scale problem - a pity.
pghewett said:
Looking at the dimensions given, the Aedes stuff looks to be about half the size of what I might expect ,say the POLA equivalent to be, so I guess there is a serious scale problem - a pity.

In that case it is only suitable for using "in the distance" well away from the track.
Rik - I'd also been eyeing up Holzmodellbausatz* (on the assumption, like you that dousing in Cuprinol and staining where appropriate would do the trick) but I couldn't get their catalogue webpage to link through to their online shop (I just got a blank page when clicking on "add to basket") - maybe this is a problem with using Opera as a browser; I've found several webshops won't recognise it.


* I'd been more than tempted by their Swiss stations but |'d intended to start experimentally with a couple of their barns to see how they fitted together before splashing out £200+...
pghewett said:
I couldn't get their catalogue webpage to link through to their online shop (I just got a blank page when clicking on "add to basket") - maybe this is a problem with using Opera as a browser; I've found several webshops won't recognise it.
Just tried the site with Firefox and and it allowed me to add to basket - mind you it then added 22 Euros for postage on top of the 5 Euro cost of the catalogue
