Which magazine?


British narrow gauge (esp. Southwold and W&LLR)
Country flag
I presently subscribe to http://www.atlanticpublishers.com/magazines/garden-rail/ < Link To Garden Rail and as a member of the http://www.16mm.org.uk/newsite/publications/default.html < Link To 16mm Narrow Gauge Modelling Association and the http://www.uklocos.com/ngrs/publications.htm < Link To Narrow Gauge Railway Society receive their publications on a regular basis. From time to time I buy http://www.pecopublications.co.uk/railway-modeller.html < Link To Railway Modeller or other railway modelling mags if when browsing in Smiths an article catches my eye.

My good lady has asked what I'd like for Christmas and I am considering a sub to another railway mag. I'm trying to decide between http://www.atlanticpublishers.com/magazines/narrow-gauge-world/ < Link To Narrow Gauge World and http://www.narrowgaugeandindustrial.com/ < Link To Narrow Gauge & Industrial Railway Modelling.

I'm very much into UK NG railways and am considering an indoor ng layout of some sort - but not decided on scale. Have any of you any experience of either of the above mags and/or have views on them?

Narrow Gauge World is very good if you want stuff on real railways, both UK and overseas, but it has relatively little on modelling - usually a rather token 4 or 5 pages at the back of each issue. I'm not personally very familiar with the other one (NG&IRM), but I'm pretty sure it is much more orientated towards modelling than prototype.

Just to throw another one into the mix - possibly of less interest to you as you say you do mainly British NG, but it does cover all countries including UK - there is the excellent French magazine VOIE LIBRE, which I think is either quarterly or bi-monthly, and is a really superb NG modelling mag (all scales) - google it and take a look. It's printed in French, but free English translations of the full text of each issue are downloadable in PDF form from their website - something that I REALLY wish some of the German G-scale mags like Volldampf and GartenBahn Profi would do!

Hope that either helps or confuses things even further..... ;)

Thanks Jon
No I wasn't aware of that mag. Might help me to improve my French at the same time

I get Narrow Gauge World, so can only comment on that.
I have the e-subscription through Exact Editions and download it to my iPad.

It has good production values, being well laid out, good large, quality photos (when possible with the original material) and a good balance between UK news, restoration and historic articles on both railways and engines.

The modelling section is more of a token, but Andrew (the editor) has frequently requested material to which he doesn't always get much response. I have submitted two 009 articles, and my first appears in the current (November/December 2012) issue.

The other HUGE benefit of the e-sub is the massive back-catalog. Every issue back to January 2006 can be downloaded to your iPad for reading offline at your leisure. Unfortunately the search function, although good, only works when you're connected to the internet though.

I have considered the NG&IRM magazine, but don't want paper subscriptions anymore (no where to store them). I believe they are a good quality magazine, and would love to sample a copy, alas, unlike the German magazines, UK ones don't seem to do the same 'free sample' offer.
jameshilton said:
I get Narrow Gauge World, so can only comment on that.
I have the e-subscription through Exact Editions and download it to my iPad.

The other HUGE benefit of the e-sub is the massive back-catalog. Every issue back to January 2006 can be downloaded to your iPad for reading offline at your leisure. Unfortunately the search function, although good, only works when you're connected to the internet though.

I have considered the NG&IRM magazine, but don't want paper subscriptions anymore (no where to store them). I believe they are a good quality magazine, and would love to sample a copy, alas, unlike the German magazines, UK ones don't seem to do the same 'free sample' offer.
Thanks James
I too subscribe to GR electronically and you're right having access to searchable back-issues is a a big attraction. I do like the quality of the NG&IRM magazine though - I've browsed through quite a few back issues at the Welsh Highland Heritage station in Porthmadog. If that was available electronically I would have no hesitation in subscribing - as you say, storage is a problem (I'm also a member of the GE Railway Soc and the Southwold Trust and have a couple of shelves full of their mags going back around many years)

I'd go for NG&IRM on paper and Voie Libre in digital, mainly because they do a proper english version but only digital. VL is available through Zinio if you already use their service. At the end of the day, they are both top notch reading.
I always buy Narrow Gauge World as it has articals from all over the world. I don't think a there would be much content for a UK only NG magazine as there is only a limited amount new news and most existing matterial has already been published.
Personally I'd go for Narrow Gauge and Industrial. The quality of the modelling in there is brilliant and full of very useful ideas and the prototype articles excellent! I don't subscribe but pick it up every time I can from a local bookstore or shows....must subscribe really!


Thanks folks.
I've decided to go with NG and Industrial as I get a fair bit of info about prototype NG railways home and abroad from the NG Railway Soc mag and newsletters and as Steph and others have said, the quality of modelling in NG&I is inspirational.

ge_rik said:
Shawn said:
What about the narrow gauge annual. I think they are the best. You only get three isues a year but great info and great modeling.
Looks great, thanks - but a bit too US based for my interests

Fans of 1930's Jazz could follow the link and then the music link for the recreation of 30's radio broadcasts. My in laws will enjoy !
I've just taken a gander at Voie Libre on the iPad - it's on Zinio - and yes it's a very good magazine. However, and I've not tried yet, but I believe you only get the current and future issues when you subscribe, rather than the back catalog. Can anyone confirm?
Yes, James, you're right - you only get the issues you pay for.