artfull dodger
Todays changes to my Willi are replumbing the exhaust into the chimney and live side of the steam pipes. This morning while waiting for someone that was picking up an item I sold on craigslist, I removed the steam line from the throttle valve to the cylinder, including the lubricator assembly. I then wrapped the lines with cotton kite string, and soaked it with super glue to fix it solid. This will help with cold weather operation by helping keep the thermal loss down. Lots of exposted steam line from the rear facing throttle to the cylinder assembly. After the gentleman picked up the item. I went up to Hobby Lobby and got some K&S brass tubing that would friction fit over the factory exhaust pipe, a quick stop at Harbor Freight for a tubing bender and I was set. I made a 90' bend in the factory pipe, aiming to bring it into the chimney right near the top of the boiler. I then made up the new piece of pipe, it bends 90' inside the chimney and stops just below the brass stack piece. I painted all the exposed exhaust pipe with high temp black paint. I have steamed up 3 times today, running till low on water with no problems with the burner or other issues from routing the exhaust into the boiler chimney. It does effect the steam effect a bit, as you have the hot exhaust from the burner, but one can see the steam once everything gets warmed up. I keep my gas low, barely can hear it, and this seems to help the steam exhaust be more visable to the eye. Once the roof is installed, the pipe will vanish into the shadows. I forgot to get pipe to extend the safety exhaust upwards. I am going to try and angle it back to the chimney, then run it up the face of the chimney. Wont be very far as I dont want to kink the pipe to angle it back to sharply to the chimney. What little condsate that does end up out of the exhaust pipe shoots up clear of the chimney adn lands on the boiler top or elsewhere. I have had no issues with the burner or anything getting on it. Cheers Mike