Willi's first run in the garden

artfull dodger

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After replacing all the dried out and cracked O rings, I was able to run my new Regner Willi in the garden this afternoon. This is one of the early Willi's, back when Regner included the cast metal engineer with the engine. Now its a seperate item and not cheap either. I also tried my hand at shooting some video with our little digital camara. I am going to try pushing the flat car tomorrow as well as trying to keep the camara from shaking as much when sitting on the car. Willi ran well with no further issues other than the dried out O rings. While I got my Willi second hand, there were no marks on the wheels from running on rails nor was there any oil residue in the lubricator or the condsate tank. So I think he was a shelf king and never ran. The first 2 images are video links, click on them to link to the video. Mike



Looks a nice loco - makes me think I should try something like that!
I can highly recommend the Willi or his brother Konrad. Even if you open the regulator to far, he isnt going to fly off the rail at the first curve he finds. Being open cabbed the regulator handle is easy to get to, although I do plan to put a roof on mine evently. The build quality from Regner is several notches above what I experienced with my Accucraft Edrig when I had him, more inline with my Maxwell Hemmens Ogwen or older Pearse Countess, two engines I wish I still had. If Roundhouse would come out with an osmotor powered tram engine, they would give Herr Regner a run for his money. Espicaly if they got it at a price point at or near Willi's. A brand new Willi/Konrad from our dealer in the states is $680 Mike
artfull dodger said:
I can highly recommend the Willi or his brother Konrad. Even if you open the regulator to far, he isnt going to fly off the rail at the first curve he finds. Being open cabbed the regulator handle is easy to get to, although I do plan to put a roof on mine evently. The build quality from Regner is several notches above what I experienced with my Accucraft Edrig when I had him, more inline with my Maxwell Hemmens Ogwen or older Pearse Countess, two engines I wish I still had. If Roundhouse would come out with an osmotor powered tram engine, they would give Herr Regner a run for his money. Espicaly if they got it at a price point at or near Willi's. A brand new Willi/Konrad from our dealer in the states is $680 Mike

What you say is worth bearing in mind. I need to sell something of value to get a foothold in the steam world:rolf: I'll get there some day!
Thanks what I did, sold a few of my electric mice( HO scale stuff) to pay for my Regner. Mike