WUHU gas fired 2-8-0 BR 8F


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Nice runner and well designed for detail although I don't particularly remember seeing a red painted cab-end buffer beam on the real railway (correct me if I am wrong)
Axle pump seems a bit over engineered and a little difficult to get just right. Again, maybe it's me.
Nevertheless good value and spares are available.
Check it out on this video
http://youtu.be/dUD_DYf3j8c [IMG]...12/9f363d286f0d4e1db19870013a5b0d14.jpg[/IMG]
Nice looking loco Trevor i also can't remember seeing the tender to loco buffer beam painted red .
You're right, Trevor, that tender buffer beam should be black. A nice looking loco and good value for money. It may have been running a bit fast for that layout, but I remember them running much faster than that in real life when they had to and with a good load behind them. An 8F with an equivalent load behind it as in the video would hardly notice it was there.