3D printer kit

Martino said:
I see that Dremel are about to release a 3D printer......
I really like the photo with this article.

Have they been sitting there for the past two hours watching it steadily printing in which case the family lists watching paint drying as one of their pastimes. Or maybe they've just walked in while daddy is printing something very surprising ....... ?
I just looked back at the one Rik put up from Maplin and I didn't spot this bit first time round.

"The printer comes with 5m of Black PLA for testing but we recommend that all customers purchase at least one 1KG reel so that you have enough PLA to print the casing parts as soon as you get up and running."

So now when you buy a kit you don't get it all, you have to print half of it yourself! ::) ;D

It's only a logical progression, but it does ensure that everyone who buys one has something for it to do off the bat.

Of course you can print ANYTHING!

bobg said:
I just looked back at the one Rik put up from Maplin and I didn't spot this bit first time round.

"The printer comes with 5m of Black PLA for testing but we recommend that all customers purchase at least one 1KG reel so that you have enough PLA to print the casing parts as soon as you get up and running."

So now when you buy a kit you don't get it all, you have to print half of it yourself! ::) ;D

It's only a logical progression, but it does ensure that everyone who buys one has something for it to do off the bat.

Of course you can print ANYTHING!

Yeah forget it Bob, its Dremel, will only last until the warranty expires.... Far better to go with one of these; http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/New-150w-CO2-Laser-Engraver-Cutter-For-Wtih-Super-Smooth-Cutting-Quality-/201177259531?pt=AU_Business_Industrial_Printing_Equipment&hash=item2ed7195e0b
Then you can make laser cut kits to sell to the masses, I recon a 150watter would do a nice job on brass shim....
Trev, I think I'll wait till the one that prints all of itself comes out! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
so, if I have an LGB part, you know, one of those you cant get for blood nor money anymore, is there a way to scan it into 3D, and then make one?

do these printer allow for different plastics to be used?

will this allow us to build an unobtainable LGB parts and strike back against the evil Marklin Empire?
stevedenver said:
so, if I have an LGB part, you know, one of those you cant get for blood nor money anymore, is there a way to scan it into 3D, and then make one?

do these printer allow for different plastics to be used?

will this allow us to build an unobtainable LGB parts and strike back against the evil Marklin Empire?

Technically, yes! If you watch one of the vids it shows them 3D scanning an adjustable spanner and reproducing (in plastic) a working copy. The question is do you have the scanner and the appropriate software?
My understanding of "home" 3D printing was that the types of plastic supported my not be particularly hard-wearing nor UV resistant, but things may have moved on (it's a fast developing technology!)
stevedenver said:
the answer is no,
or, not yet.
Here is one that would do the job; http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/3D-scanner-/171516366057?pt=AU_Computers_Scanners&hash=item27ef2c0ce9

Think of the uses; scanning figures, smallish unobtainable parts et al of anysize that fits on the scanner and print the bit out in the SIZE you need... And you would not have to be skilled at 3D modelling just a manipulator of files.....
Like making 1:24 peoples 1:19 (or other). Pity it can't print 'em painted as well! ;)
bobg said:
Like making 1:24 peoples 1:19 (or other). Pity it can't print 'em painted as well! ;)
Persacty Bob.... The trouble with all this electronic technology is that it is obsolete by the time the package gets home, I'm dead keen to get into it at home but I'm waiting for it to plateau like digital watches.... Multi colour printing is easy, quite a few RGB extruder 3D printers on the market but the job comes out looking like something printed on an early dot matrix colour ribbon printer... Dont worry you will soon be able to scan a painted figure and print it out in 1:22.5 in full colour....
Tramcar Trev said:
Here is one that would do the job; http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/3D-scanner-/171516366057?pt=AU_Computers_Scanners&hash=item27ef2c0ce9

Think of the uses; scanning figures, smallish unobtainable parts et al of anysize that fits on the scanner and print the bit out in the SIZE you need... And you would not have to be skilled at 3D modelling just a manipulator of files.....

A uni friend of mine with his own printer uses this app with his iPhone as a scanning tool, from what I've seen it works quite well. You simply move the phone's camera around the object until you have enough views of the object to create the 3D representation. Saves the models as a file type that can be uploaded directly into whatever CAD program you happen to use, to scale and modify to your heart's content.


From the limit exposure I have had of it the app appears to work better than the muiltiple-thousand pound industrial scanner we have at work, because you can move the scanner you end up with none of the blank spots that as a CAD designer we seem to spend so many hours trying to fill.
Have downloaded that App for my iPhone. When I get a chance I am going to have a go at Scanning an LGB 2-10-2t to see what happens. Pity that any scan will not replicate all the internal working bits!
Will be interested to see how you get on with that :) All the stuff he has done so far would all fit in the palm of your hand, so the camera had no problem seeing completely from one side to the other. My think was it would work quite well for individual parts, I don't see any reason why something larger couldn't be attempted? I guess that you would trade off some detail though as you move the camera further away?
Well, I just had to try that out with a flat wagon. It came out like all the other models I have seen: melted, like a painting by Dali. :o



Must try again with daylight.
Maplin had one running when I dropped by yesterday lunchtime. They were printing off some textured blocks with honeycomb interior bracing etc., using low temperature plastic (the corn-starch based stuff) in case any kids decided to prod things! They also had some samples in ABS. It was interesting chatting to the guy who was obviously an enthusiast. He explained some of the improvement mods he'd made to the out-of-the-box kit.

Very tempted, it's going on my Xmas request list but at £500 it'll be wishful thinking!